5gyresambassador plasticfree breakfreefromplastic zerowaste 5gyres plasticfreeoceans plasticsucks 5gyresexpedition2019 planetorplastic plasticfreejuly trashblitz singleuseplastic noplanetb plastickills protectwhatyoulove savetheplanet beachcleanup beatplasticpollution littercreatives marinedebris pickupone saveouroceans saveourplanet stopsucking keepnaturewild marinedebrisart plasticrevolution reduce seamonkeyproject ticktock meinereisen
From @plasticfree_bohol - Last Saturday, we removed more than 3,000 cigarette butts from Libaong Beach in less than an hour. Eeww!
Cigarette butts do damage far beyond the plastic pollution left in our environment. Once littered they leach toxic chemicals—including acetic acid, hexamine, arsenic, and chromium—into our water table, where these chemicals can remain for as many as 10 years and can be poisonous to the fish and wildlife that ingest them.
The beach is not an ashtray. Please dispose your cigarette butts properly, or stop smoking. Cigarette is a poison to human health and to our environment.
#plasticfreebohol #cleanbohol #bohol #5gyresambassador #moreoceanlessplastic #theplasticsolution #plasticfreestartswithme
A message to all humans from #5gyresambassador @beachsidebasics Not your plastic graveyard
#thetrashycollection #plasticsucks #stopsucking #keepnaturewild #breakfreefromplastic #plasticwaste #saveourplanet #planetorplastic #singleuseplastic #planetnotplastic #zerowaste #beatplasticpollution #beachcomber #5gyresambassador #plasticfree #australiabeaches #travelportugal #plasticfreeoceans #trashtribe #pickupone #litter #littercreatives #fishingrope #fishingdebris #marinedebris #marinedebrisart #beachcleanportugal #protectwhatyoulove #take3forthesea
Did you know that when you throw away a piece of plastic, it never really goes away. It breaks down into tiny micro plastic that get into the food chain, that eventually end up chemically altering our meals. If a fish eats the micro plastic it is getting toxic chemicals into its body. Then as the food chain goes up, we eat toxic fish!
Refuse plastic for the Earth and your health!! Happy Earth Day!
#trashblitz #5gyresambassador #5gyres #refusethestraw #strawlessoceans #preciousplastic #ecoteer #supkids #wavesofchange #stopsucking #breakfreefromplastic #stemthetide #everypiececounts #plasticrevolution #seamonkeyproject #preciousplasticproject
#5gyresambassador find: Polystyrene rocks vs real rocks. : @thetrashycollection • Happy Earth Day! Here’s a photo of me with a massive piece of polystyrene (a.k.a. styrofoam) I spotted washed up on the shore of Cabo da Roca (one of the most beautiful beaches I’ve ever experienced in Portugal). Swipe right to see how it practically blended in with the HUGE rocks near the shore! ♀️ My brother & I hiked all the way down to retrieve it from the cliff to the right in this photo.. and let me tell you, that was one STEEP hike down! But SO worth the incredible views! This also works perfectly for #2minbcphotochallenge8’s theme #polystyrene ..hopefully we see less of this at the beach!♀️♻️
#thetrashycollection #plasticsucks #keepnaturewild #breakfreefromplastic #saveourplanet #planetorplastic #singleuseplastic #zerowaste #beatplasticpollution #noplanetb #5gyresambassador #plasticfree #ticktock #plastaway #plasticfreeoceans #trashtribe #pickupone #earthday2019 #littercreatives #marinedebris #trashblitz #marinedebrisart #beachcleanup #protectwhatyoulove #take3forthesea #plastickills #trashtag #trashtagchallenge
Continuing to find tons & tons of plastic cotton bud / Q-tips on just about every beach. ♀️
#thetrashycollection #plasticsucks #stopsucking #letskeepitwild #breakfreefromplastic #plasticwaste #saveourplanet #planetorplastic #singleuseplastic #planetnotplastic #zerowaste #beatplasticpollution #beachcomber #5gyresambassador #plasticfree #plasticcottonbuds #plasticfreeoceans #pickupone #litter #littercreatives