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Anna Karenina es una de las obras clave Lev Tolstoi, en la que vemos todas las señas de identidad del gran realismo ruso: fina crítica social y multitud de personajes con una profundidad psicológica asombrosa.
Las desventuras de Anna Karenina y su afán por integrarse en una sociedad hipócrita que la margina por adúltera, pero perdona los desmanes de su amante, nos hacen reflexionar sobre la invisibilización de la mujer a la par que nos ofrecen un fresco monumental de la Rusia decimonónica y todas sus contradicciones.
ANNA KARENINA. Disponible ya en las principales librerías de España. Próximamente en Latinoamérica.
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The biggest reading goal I’ve set myself this year is to read Anna Karenina. It’s always scared me LOTS, mainly because of its size (nearly 1,000 pages!) and because I haven’t read any Russian classics yet. But I’ve taken the plunge and I’m pleased to report that I’m really enjoying it!
The writing style is far easier than I expected it to be — it’s not too wordy, doesn’t go off on too many tangents, and clearly introduces the characters, despite the fact there are many, with so very many names and nicknames and styles.
My favourite character so far is Levin, although this may change as I’m not too far into it. And really I’m surprised at how brilliant all the characters are, even if they’re not instantly likeable.
I’m proud of myself for reading Anna Karenina. Yes, it has terrified me in the past, but I’m learning to conquer my fear of reading ginormous classics and I’m sure it will all be worth it in the end.
Have you read Anna Karenina? I’d love to know your thoughts on it!
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Hi there☺️ I bring you another Writing game. This one is set on the Imperial Russia. I would write a brief fragment and you have to continue through the comments. ~RULES~ •Don’t be rude with other participants. If I see a rude comment against any participant I would delete it •Don’t kill all the characters
•Don’t post a comment if you aren’t participating on a serious way •Don’t use this game to write non sense fragments. This game has the purpose of explore your creativity
So thanks for participating and reading this. Lots of love ❤️ “The ball at the Winter Palace of St.Petersburg. All the noble had been waiting a year for this event. The most beautiful and luxorious event of the year.
While the noble danced, new ideas were coming to the people. The idea of a revolution was growing and consolidating into the minds of the poor.
Albeit, Natasha knew little about the revolution coming. She was more excited about the ball. But firstly, she was excited about meeting certain person”
#russia #stpetersburg #revolution #annakarenina #keiraknightley #writer #writing #creativity #write #game #instagame #romanov #crown #king #queen #luxury #drama