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We ventured down the street for a little afternoon pick me up! Who doesn’t love cookies and espresso ☕️
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Is your budget non-existent? Time to start writing, and living within your means. Start with the essentials and build out from there with living expenses such as groceries, regular car maintenance, etc. Without a budget, you are more likely to overspend and put yourself in a situation of utilizing credit cards.
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Wishing the happiest of birthdays to NextChapter's COO, Mandy Ballinger! Thanks for everything you do for the company and the team
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Check out an interview with Karra Kingston in the Star Ledger and
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Financial stress can seem like the end of the world. But I guarantee it isn't! Keep pressing forward. Whether it is a debt payoff strategy or filing bankruptcy, you will see the light at the end of the tunnel if you keep moving forward. ~⠀
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Cant stop won’t stop. Need the facts, ppl! ♀️
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The time is now.
Check out my new music video for my pop rock song “Bankruptcy" released worldwide right now!
Bankruptcy's not fun. I’ve been there myself. It’s embarrassing & a decade of hell. The music video features me and others going thru the misery. The angst is palpable. No nationality or color is spared. There is a lot of simple powerful imagery. There are metaphors everywhere like when I’m walking on the dark trail into the forest while the day is bright and sunny.
Watching this video is really cathartic for me & I hope it makes you feel the same way. If you have a similar story to share, shoot me an email. I’m here for you.
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Happy New Year from all of us here at Hall & Navarro! #HappyNewYear #NewYear2019
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