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Happy Mother’s Day! Let’s put a little extra effort to make our mothers happy today, shall we? Bougas Beauty is so honored to be part of that sweet memory by giving a pair of Swarovski rings to both you & your mother. Check out on how to win this contest below. Good luck & kisses to the mothers. -
1) Buy #bougasrayakit
2) Upload your picture and your mom with #bougasrayakit
3) Write a caption “What is your thought of your mom?” with hashtag #bougaslovesmom #mothersgiftday
4) FOLLOW and TAG @bougasbeautyhq and 2 friends!
The contest giveaway starts 12th May 2019 until 16th May 2019. The winner will be announced on 20th May 2019. The most creative caption will be chosen as the winner. Be sure your account is set as public, so that we can see your participants
#bougasbeauty #bougaslovesmom #mothersgiftday #bougasbeautyhq
Saya dah pakai anda bila lagi ☀
#cantikbersamasihatbersama #cikbougas #elfira #bougasbeautyserum #bougaslover #bera #pahang #bougasbeautyhq #bougasempire #nakcantik #satupump #jerawat #kusam #berminyak #pahang #serumviral #serumterbaik #bera #temerloh #serumwaterbasedno1 #serumwajah #bougasbeautyadvancedserum #bougasbera #bougasempire #cikbougas #serum #waterbased #liangpori #lawa #murah #scrub
We take our vitamins and our omega 3 capsules to keep our bodies healthy and our immune system strong. It’s the same way when you add #advancedserum to your skincare consistently to give your skin a boost of nourishment
Soon will be in one of vendor Boutique in Kuching
#bougasbeauty #bougasbeautyhq
Blackhead/whitehead? Acne scars? Oily skin? Combination skin? Sensitive skin or dry skin? Bougas Face Scrub is the right one to reduce all your problem. Why? You have to try it your self the difference i promise, you gonna love it for the first time!
Betul tak Bougas Lover semua ♥️♥️
#bougasbeauty #bougasfacescrub #bougasbeautyhq
Tutorial Sendiri
Repost balik sebab video ni hilang dari feed.
Teknik menepuk wajah ni selalu dilakukan oleh orang korea dalam penjagaan skin care. Saya dah lama juga terjebak dengan teknik ni. Tak kira pakai apa pun dekat muka.
Teknik ni dipercayai oleh orang korea bahawa memiliki fungsi agar nurtrien dari produk skincare masuk lebih maksima ke dalam lapisan kulit. Selain tu, putaran oksigen & aliran darah pada area wajah akan jadi lebih lancar. ☺️
Tak lupa juga serum dari Bougas Beauty ni bagi banyak manfaat untuk kulit saya. Walapun agak lama untuk hilangkan parut,tapi kesan parut tu memudar dan saya sendiri dan kawan boleh nampak. Sebab tu ramai antara customer saya adalah kawan kawan saya sendiri. Susah nak tawan hati kawan untuk percayakan produk kita jual tau.
Before this pakai 2botol serum dah licin. Tapi jerawat membiak balik. So parut baru lagi Alhamdulillah sekarang ni dah botol ke enam. Botol ke enam bermakna dah 6 bulan setengah saya gunakan produk ni. Korang boleh agak juga berapa banyak saya dah laburkan duit untuk serum ni ? Siapa ja nak in long term relationship and buang duit dengan sesuatu produk if produk tu memberikan kesan yang buruk dekat skin kita sendiri. Betul tak ? ☺️
•••••••••••••• #bougasbeautyserum #bougasbeautyserumseremban #bougasbeautyportdickson #bougasbeautyalorgajah #bougasbeautypilah #bougasbeautybahau #bougasbeautyjempol #bougasbeautyhq #bougasbeautyofficialhq #Bbsteamflash #trustedagent