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Meanwhile on the road to Alabama
I am coming up with marketing tips for my upcoming Marketing webinar that I am giving to you for FREE! .
I will announce how you will be able to join the live webinar NEXT WEEK!!
#mompreneur #entrepreneurlife #sparklemariee #motivationalspeaker #motivation #publicspeaking #positivevibes #bossxtend #bossxtendhair #Dropshiplengths #businessowner #businesswoman #businesswomanlife
Na 6 weken als Digital Nomad in Bali te hebben geleefd ben ik inmiddels weer veilig thuis gekomen!
Dankbaar voor de vele mooie hoogtepunten en de lessen die ik heb geleerd uit de - helaas ook aanwezige - dieptepunten; het ongeluk wat me behoorlijk genekt had. Inmiddels huppel ik weer vrolijk rond en ben ik enorm blij thuis te zijn.
#aunaturel #nomakeup #naturalhairdontcare #noextensions #digitalnomad #digitalnomadlife #digitalnomads #baliindonesia #balilife #vrouwelijkeondernemers #vrouwelijkeondernemer #ondernemers #ondernemerschap #ondernemerstips #ondernemersvrouwen #laptoplifestyle #dutchgirlboss #modemeisje #ambitieuzemeisjes #vrouwen #vrouw #zzper #makeme500 #businesswomanlife #zakenvrouw #zakenvrouwen #wiebenjij #babeyougotthis #succesvol #businessbabe
MAKE SPACE FOR WHAT’S IMPORTANT IN YOUR LIFE. Give what’s important a PLACE in your home, in your schedule, and in your mind.
Reminder:✨YOU ARE GETTING GOOD AT WHAT YOU DO EVERYDAY✨use this to your benefit!
SUBTRACT: Notice what you don’t actually want to be developing and make small adjustments to do less of that (bad habits, negative relationships, poor self-talk...)
ADD: Add things that you DO want to develop and just KNOW that if you make space for them they will grow (good habits, energizing activities, healthy relationships, positive self-talk...)
Do this right now! What deserves more space in your life? Let me know how it goes!
: @happygirlglowofficial luv this
#homebodycare #professionalorganizer #thingsorganizedneatly #healthylivingtips #organiser #organizing #organizedhome #uptownnyc #uptowngirlboss #happiestlife #happylifequotes #happydays#haveahappyday #happyhealthy #happyhealthylife #happyhealthyme #nycbabe #nycbabes #nycwoman #nycwomen #businesswomanlife #nycbusiness #nycsmallbusiness #smallbusinessnyc #wednesdayinspiration #selfcarefirst #selflovequotes #fengshui #motivationwednesday #apartments
There's power in looking hot and not caring that you do
P.s-I swear i looked 10 times hotter than i do in these pictures,Ghoorne walo ki Kasam!! #bossbabe .
#corporatefashion #corporategirl #engineer #L&Tinfotech #mumbai #picsart #pixels #Iphonexrphotography #formalszn #formalclothes #formaldressup #instagrammers #Potraitphotography #Sexyformals #businesscasual #businesswomanlife #girlpower #epitome
Mám stavební firmu. Hledám zaměstnance. Kdo se přidá?
Wearing @loveraidofficial heels .
#stavebnictvi #businesswomanlife #stavime #czechgirl #builders #neongreen #neonlife #neonoutfit #zarawoman #zarafashion #shortskirt #blogerkycz #outfitblog #feelingextra #bloggerstribe #ootds #bershkacollection #bershka #loveraidofficial #raidbabe
Something different today.. my very good friend Cindy @cindykeys4success who has been globe trotting and has had all sorts of sunny and tropical shenanigans for 3 months!! Good to have her back and looking disgustingly tanned and healthy.. love you girly.. . #businesswomanlife .
#blondebeauty #storybook_photography
To był emocjonujący wieczór, z którego wyszliśmy w poszerzonym składzie :) 25 lat zaufania Klientów zostało uhonorowane wyjątkową statuetką w kategorii "Lider Rynku Nieruchomości Premium" podczas IX gali Polish BusinessWoman Awards 2019 x Biznes W Kobiecym Stylu #BusinessWomanLife! Serdecznie dziękujemy za to wspaniałe wyróżnienie i docenienie naszej pracy
#25YearsOfExperience #No1PremiumRealEstateAgency #PartnersInternational #DeluxeEstates #MillionDollarListingWarsaw #Nieruchomości #Sprzedaż #Najem #luxury #Warsaw#Warszawa