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I enjoyed embroidering this cushion a few years ago. I used silk, wool, cotton and silver metallic thread to highlight the little flowers. And it looked good with Petra’s breakfast table setting at Christie’s early this week #petra_palumbo #sustainabletextiles #needlepoint #broder #broderie #needlework #japan #christieslates #bordados #auverasoie
Hot off the printer #photographs @christiesinc our annual spring auction of photography in London
With works by #richardavedon #candidahofer #pieterhugo #robertmapplethorpe #helmutnewton #irvingpenn #thomasruff #hiroshisugimoto #wolfgangtillmans #christopherwilliams
Come in and see from 11th May, open late #christieslates 14th and auction @ 1pm on the 17th
The first ever Christie’s Lates event in Asia: Garden Party @christiesasia was a huge success tonight! Don’t miss our exhibition on 20 Sept and the sales on 21 Sept.
#onlyatchristies #christieslates #christiesshanghai #shanghai #shanghaisale #shanghaiauction #artpeople #pwcteam #postwarandcontemporaryart #lovemycolleagues #lovelycolleagues #gardenparty #floraldresscode