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thank you Malia Jo for coming on this trip to Colorado with me and dealing with my crazy self for a week:) it couldn’t of been more perfect and the amount of laughs and memories that we made is ridiculous very proud of us for saying NO TO NOTHING and pushing ourselves to do the most adventurous things!!!!!!!!! #raaabbbitttt #cornflakegirl #jasonderulo #ryanishot #alexandnick #14yearolds #blakefromthehighway #trafficcones #YUNGGRAVY #YUNGBUISCUIT #youngnugget #youngcracka #shotgunwilly #penutbutterwaffles #toyotatruck #itsover #shetookthekids #karenisabrat #aspenisnotpoor #ummthisisyours #wesleptatwalmart #justapeal #wheredidyouputthekeys #jasminecantdrive #stringbeanlove #imthebestinthewestijustnuttedonherchest