2012chevyimpala chevy bluebeast impala 2012impala beast chevyimpala michigan impalalove bluebird chevylove saginawmichigan saginawlove chevyowner exploring randomspot downtownsaginaw impalamods blueimpala cleancar saginawtownship saginawcounty carlover carwash cleanimpala saginawhistory baycitymichigan coolbuildings flintmichigan oldtownsaginaw bluebeast
Shoutout to the guy who tried to buy my car off me. As soon as I park this guy comes out of nowhere and said “yo bro how much you want for your car.”
I said “Naw it ain’t for sale.” He goes “daaaaamit!” #ChevyImpala #2012ChevyImpala #Chevy #Impala #ChevyLove #ImpalaLove #ChevyOwner #BlueImpala #BlueBeast #NotForSale #SaginawMichigan ♂️
Shoutout to my dad for drawing me this awesome picture of my car. Both him and my younger sister are amazing drawers. #Drawing #CarDrawing #AwesomeDrawings #CoolDrawings #Artist #ChevyImpalaDrawing #ChevyDrawings #ChevyImpala #2012ChevyImpala #2012Impala #ChevyLove #ImpalaLove #BlueImpala #ChevyOwner #Beast #BlueBeast #SaginawMichigan #Michigan
What mod should I do next? I’m thinking chrome mesh grill. #ChevyImpala #Chevy #Impala #2012ChevyImpala #2012Impala #ChevyLove #ImpalaLove #ImpalaMods #BlueImpala #ChevyOwner #CleanImpala #CleanCar #RandomSpot #Beast #BlueBeast #Mods #LookingForIdeas #Sunset #OldTownSaginaw #SaginawMichigan #SaginawSunset #MichiganSunset #Michigan