mylittlepony 20percentcooler mlpfim fluttershy ponies twilightsparkle brony applejack bronies pinkiepie princessluna rarity princesscelestia rainbowdash mane6 mlpfriendshipismagic pegasister derpyhooves flutterdash equestriagirls mlpfanart sunsetshimmer elementsofharmony memes mlpseason9 mlpcosplay mlpcute mlpequestriagirls pinkamenadianepie pinkaesthetic
AHH we got photos back from @evettesphotographyy! I'll post group shots later but here's a full body shot of my interpretation of Dash. I love how ethereal the colors look, and you can see my asymmetrical rainbow eye makeup. Everything except for the dark blue crop bodice was dyed by me... Including that wig! It started as an @ardawigs Venus in white and got a lot of colors added in with alcohol inks.
Designed by @_sunsetdragon_
Made by me
#sunsetdragon #rainbowdash #cosplay #costume #handmade #katsucon #mylittlepony #friendshipismagic #silkbaron #dharmatradingco #prochemicalanddye #jacquard #ardawigs #asianswhocosplay #20percentcooler #photoshoot #itsakattcosplay