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In honour of #MeanGeneOkerlund there is only one question
Watcha gonna do brother when big #Coxomania runs wild on your back line and kicks a bag of goals and goes on to win the coleman medal?
#5PeatPies⚪⚪ #5PeatChamps #flagpies2019 #Flagpies #FootballsComingHomeAgain #FootballsComingHome #20Pieteen #TheRoadToThe5Peat
The other post got removed so hopefully this one is PG enough.
Another friendly reminder to all the Collingwood journeymen who have not yet got their #CollingwoodMembership to go sign up today. The benefits are well worth it not to mention the fact that flashing it to the ladies will make you irresistible.
#5PeatPies⚪⚪ #5PeatChamps #Flagpies #flagpies2019 #20Pieteen #RoadTo5Peat