21stcenturylearning stemeducation education projectbasedlearning stem learnthroughplay littlecaliphs playbasedlearning 21stcenturyskills lcampangan lcjempol lckualapilah lcrasah lcseremban lcsikamat littlecaliphsampangan littlecaliphsjempol littlecaliphskualapilah littlecaliphsrasah littlecaliphsseremban littlecaliphssikamat littletips nurturingmuslimscholars parentalinvolvement serembanislamickindergarten tadikaislamseremban tadikaterbaikseremban 21stcenturylearningpuchong allahkanada amanputra flexiblelearning
Whilst September 12 marks ‘RUOK Day’ - it’s important to check in with the people around you. We’re in a profession where the stressors can outweigh our individual balance. Aside from work, everyone has their own demons, has fought a battle that we know nothing about or has experienced an ‘off day’. Sunday reminder: check in, talk it out and listen. Here’s to lifting each other up and offering support as we navigate this full on and rewarding thing we call teaching. : @beckfeiner_illustrations
POWERFUL WORD WHEEL - I’m all about easy to use and effective teaching tools ♀️ many students in our learning space currently have a goal associated with vocabulary - ‘to expand knowledge and use of vocabulary’. We obviously encourage reading widely and frequently and using a thesaurus BUT, how good is this as a simple tool to draw upon during writing sessions☝
Three reasons for the creation of this artwork: to demonstrate our understanding of Connection to Country, to demonstrate our own Connection to Country and to visually depict how we, as a class, are connected. This artwork ties in beautifully with The International Year of Indigenous Languages, the timely release of Dark Emu by Bruce Pascoe and our current unit of work. Each student represented their Connection to Country through the use of symbolism. This aligned nicely with the 8 Ways of Learning and assisted in the unpacking of Aboriginal culture. Happy to answer any questions about how this piece was created
GAME CHANGER! I am such a strong advocate of social skills. As adults, we need the skills necessary to collaborate in teams, to not speak over our friends and others and to be respectful towards all humans. I want my students to have the same values so that they can navigate their way through this messy world. This display and the conversation around it has put interrupting into perspective for my class. I have had the BEST time with my students this term because they have realised the impact of interrupting and what message that sends to me and others. I have also made it a habit to say thank you to every child who is showing respect. Highly recommended! -N
TOOL FOR TEACHING SENTENCE STRUCTURE! Some students use compound sentences and some students use complex sentences... and some students stick to the safe simple sentences. What students don’t sometimes realise is that quality writing is about using a variety of simple, compound and complex sentences to impact the reader. This is a beautiful tool to demonstrate exactly that.
This picture perfectly sums up how flexible seating has changed my classroom for the better. By this point, the kids know my expectations for #flexibleseating and are comfortable enough with our room and me that they begin using the options in the most unconventional ways! I think back to the beginning of a year and laugh at the thought of telling a kid they have to sit like this! (I dont for the record, they practice with lap desks on a rug with a pillow)
Today, everywhere I turned, good choices were naturally being made in the moment! Kids were using lap desks at stools, moving wobble stools half way across the room to fit a larger group project, pulling up crate seats to get a better view of a hidden task card, and even building a pillow wall to block out distractions so they could read to themselves Students making choices for themselves in the moment depending on what they're learning and how they're learning it. This is why I spend 21 days in complete control of where the kids go and why I spend so many precious fall minutes clearly modeling acceptable and unacceptable behavior when it comes to flexible seating.
There seems to be a lot of debate these days around this topic of flexible seating; the pros, cons, expenses, behaviors, but regardless of money spent or opinion of people around me, I cant imagine our classroom any other way. Watching little people discover for themselves how they learn and where they do their best work is just as rewarding & equally important as watching them figure out a new math concept for the first time. Its life changing
Do you use flexible seating in your classroom? Are you planning or considering it for next year? I'd love to hear your thoughts below!
Our inter-school cross country team training at Kings Park! Is there really any better running track? We are so lucky to have these incredible iconic places on our doorstep. We wish the team all the best for the annual ACC competition on Thursday! ♂️♀️#crosscountry #acccrosscountry #running #sport #kingspark #stgeorges #perthprivateschool #perth #21stcenturylearning