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Before pregnancy I had never dieted. Ever. I was always naturally a stringbean rail . 3️⃣ babies in 3️⃣ years changes your body. Dramatically. I went from 112 lbs to 195 lbs.
➡️Baby #1 (born 2015): I was 112 lbs when I got .
➡️Baby #2 (born 2017): I was 135 lbs when I got
➡️Baby #3 (born 2018): I started at 140 lbs but had no idea what was in store for my body to save my baby’s life.
From the start of pregnancy for baby #3 it was complicated. So many specialist appointments + ’s trying to get to viability. I was on bedrest for much of her pregnancy. When we learned she would come early, they fed me in an attempt to ⬆️ her weight in utero. I literally felt like a being force-fed. But it worked. My body kept her safe for 34 weeks (a huge milestone to make it that far). Born 6 weeks early, she was rushed to the NICU❤️. Two weeks later, we took home an itty 4lb baby. She’s now a thriving 8 month old chucker at 17 lbs‼️ During her pregnancy I gained 5️⃣5️⃣ lbs but it worked .
Pic on left—our was 3️⃣ months old & my newly gained weight wouldn’t budge. From that pregnancy I also developed severe diastasis recti & an umbilical hernia—causing my c-section scar to keep opening up . A few months ago it re-opened for the 5️⃣th time ; surgery was advised.
Pic on right is from today.
I’m now 3.5 weeks post surgery & so thankful my body is starting to look like the “me” I remember from before. Using a combination of #selfcare ➕ #keto diet ➕ #plasticsurgery I’m starting to feel like myself again on both the inside & the outside.
Some would look at the photo on the left & think that pregnancy & bedrest had destroyed my body. I firmly disagree. My body is incredible as it brought 3️⃣ children into our . I am proud of both photos❤️.
But, I’m also so thankful to get my #health back in check. I want to be healthy for my kids (and myself) & I feel like I’m on the right path. Thank you so much to my supporters & I’m excited to keep tracking my progress .
#selfcafe #momlife #myjourney #wellness #diastasisrecti #diastasisrectirepair #umbilicalhernia #tummytucksurgery #abdominoplasty #mommymakeover #weightlossjourney #ketodiet #postsurgery
Acum o lună pe la această oră mă îndreptam plină de emoții spre sala de operație. Dragă internet, vreau să îți fac cunoștință cu @doctorcobani, medicul care mi-a făcut operația de #abdominoplastie. Sunt foarte fericită de rezultat și de toată experiența în sine, și vreau să îi mulțumesc dumnealui și întregii sale echipe, dar și personalului spitalului Monza pentru toată grija și atenția de care am avut parte. Pe lângă profesionalismul pentru care sunt renumiți am descoperit niște oameni blânzi și empatici, care oferă multă atenție fiecărui pacient în parte. Cum mi-am ales medicul? Când îl întâlnești pur și simplu simți că în el poți avea încredere.
#MyBodyJourney a intrat într-o nouă etapă.
#tummytuck #tummytuckjourney #abdominoplastia #abdominoplasty #doctorcobani #monza #surgery #plasticaurgeon #curvygirl #bodypozitive
Omg!! I don’t have a belly hanging to my knees anymore!!! I can’t wait to see what I look like standing but I have to stay in bed and in this position for the first day. This is freaking amazing! Thanks for all the support, love and kind words from all of you! Next chapter started today so make sure you hit they folllow button if you aren’t already following big things happening. Thank you @tailormadelooks and @dr_procter_jr for taking such good care of me! special shoutout to my girl @amybytheton for keeping me company tonight! ❤️❤️❤️ Thank to my mom and brother for bringing me and being supportive of all
The changes happening this past year. .
#postsurgery #panniculectomy #skinremoval #abdominoplasty #extremeweightloss #massiveweightloss #weightlosssurgery #weightlosscommunity #vsginstacrew #vsgjourney #plasticsurgery #duodenalswitch #beltlinebariatric #familybytheton #amandabytheton #newupdate #myjourneytofit #looseskin #myweightlossstory #nextchapter #newbody #whoami #fightingobesity #obesetobeast #fromfattofit #flabtofab @tlc @beltlinebariatric
#abdominoplasty #liposuction #mammoplasty #rhinoplasty#hairtransplant#زراعة الشعر #hairtransplantistanbul #saçekimi #sacekimi #karıngerme #memeprotezi #burunestetiği #yağaldırma #healthtourism #turkey #istanbul #qatar #germany #almanya #holland#aesthetic #hospital #estetik #estetikburun #gastricbotox +90 553 768 43 46
Today I disappointed myself . #honestmompost
I started this IG page with 1️⃣ goal in mind—to document my journey of balancing parenting with better self-care ♀️. This is my transformative, (hopefully) life-changing “Me Year.” ❤️ I knew there would be ups ...& also downs along the way. But I plan to document it all . This is my honest journey & I pray my experiences help others too along the way . #motherhoodintheraw
My 2 year old is immune-compromised & had an important doctor’s appt ⚕️ this AM. One that he couldn’t miss. One that I needed to attend to fully explain his file—at least that’s what I thought. I’m his #momadvocate & wanted to be there today.
It’s (only) day 21 since major surgery .
I should have accepted help. My husband had offered to take him—I refused saying I could handle it . Our kind nanny offered & I refused. I could do it all . Or so I thought.
At this appt, my normally happy toddler was having an “off-day.” (Like meltdown central ♀️). I didn’t plan for this situation. I knew I had to be careful. (My c-section opened up 5x this past year , which led me to getting this surgery). I need to heal.
But he wanted to be held. And I caved. I let my 28-pound toddler crawl into my lap. Soon, my incision started aching . My pain turned into quiet sobbing . As tears rolled down my face, I recognized my mistake: I never should have gone today. I had refused to accept that moms need rest too ...especially when healing from an illness or surgery.
Hoping & praying that next time I remember this: the word “mommy” includes two phonetic sounds (mom ➕ me). In addition to striving to be a rockstar MOM , I need to remember to take care of ME as well. I need to give myself more grace. And permission to rest. Parenting is a balance & today I failed myself .
The appointment is over and we are in the parking lot . I know what I must do: head home, agree to let my support system help ME more, & tuck myself back in bed .
#momsofinstagram #selfcare #documentingrecovery #postsurgery #diastasisrecti #umbilicalhernia #abdominoplasty #momMEyear #timeforchange #transformation #parentingjourney #youroxygenmaskfirst
Heading to the hospital for surgery day!! Excited and nervous! #atlantabound #letsdothis .
#panniculectomy #skinremoval #abdominoplasty #extremeweightloss #massiveweightloss #weightlosssurgery #weightlosscommunity #vsginstacrew #vsgjourney #plasticsurgery #duodenalswitch #beltlinebariatric #familybytheton #amandabytheton #newupdate #myjourneytofit #looseskin #myweightlossstory #nextchapter #newbody #whoami #fightingobesity #obesetobeast #fromfattofit #flabtofab #surgeryday #preop #itsalmosttime
Guess what⁉️ HUGE NEWS @ my 4️⃣ week ⚕️ checkup today ....
I got cleared for all normal activity ♀️♀️️♀️‼️Feeling #strong & #brave ❤️ today. And, so thankful that my recovery plan ➡️➡️➡️ bouncing back so fast
Best part? Being told I can lift my (8.5 month old) babyyyyyy again ! It’s been 4️⃣ weeks too long & I’ve missed this the most. All the cuddle pics coming soon ☺️❗️
#selfcare #3babiesin3years #myjourney #postsurgery #diastasisrecti #diastasisrectirepair #umbilicalhernia #abdominoplasty #tummytuck #plasticsurgery #mommymakeover #wellness #momlife #momsofinstagram #cltmoms #CLT
I love sleep. Like so much ♀️. It’s my favorite hobby .
Right after surgery, I realized a dilemma: I couldn’t lay flat in a bed. I asked the nurse how would I sleep She advised I sleep (nearly upright) in a recliner chair that can elevate my legs/feet above my body . (Imagine a cozy La-Z-Boy ♀️). I’d be curled up & this would take pressure off my incisions.
Well, this story gets even better as we don’t own a recliner like this ♀️. I quickly searched Amazon Prime for same-day delivery. The only thing available resembling this was a BEACH CHAIR recliner ♀️.
Y’all....it’s day 19 post-surgery. I’ve slept in this beach chair ⛱ for almost 3 weeks ☠️☠️. It’s setup in my house & looks ridiculous . But it worked . This AM, I felt healed enough to try crawling into our bed. And I could ! Look who finally “upgraded” back to her cozy bed ♀️! Celebratory pic with my cutie !
#goodmorning #documentingrecovery #gettingstrongereveryday #postsurgery #plasticsurgery #diastasisrecti #umbilicalhernia #tummytucksurgery #abdominoplasty #mommymakeover #recovery #babiesofinstagram #momMEyear #amazonprime