abortionishealthcare abortionrights prochoice lgbtq prolife equality abortionismurder mybodymychoice proabortion equalrights abortion abortionisawomansright reproductiverights savethebabies abortionisnothealthcare prolifefeminist reproductivejustice abortionismurdernotaright alwaysprolife bisexual equalrightsforall instagramer instagrammers lgbt prolifegen prolifeisprowoman prolifemovement abortionaccess rflyer
Pro-forced birth people need to stop forcing their beliefs on other people. Fetuses shouldn’t be prioritized over people who are alive, that is ridiculous. If people are forced to go through a pregnancy without given a choice(pregnancy can be a beautiful thing, if it is something a couple or person wants; with consent of course), then rapists should have to deal with the consequences of their actions; if we’re forcing people in to unwanted things, then putting rapists in prison would be the smartest thing to do instead of blaming people for having sex. Starting with rapists like President Trump, who has been accused by 22 women; or Brock Turner who only had 3 months of prison and probation. Longer prison sentences for rapists would also be a good start. We need to stop blaming people for having sex. Sex is a natural thing, and nobody should feel ashamed about enjoying sex(AS LONG AS IT IS CONSENSUAL.)
#abortionishealthcare #wearetheWARRIORS
P.S. HAPPY PRIDE MONTH BABIES!! ️️We love you and support you! Not just during one month per year either; all year, we love you and support you.
Love our work? Learn more about our org, and support us by donating @ WeAreTheWarriors.org
Did you know that there are many people who protest outside a clinic that performs abortions who then use that clinic for their own procedure? And then return to protest. Because they feel like when it’s them, it’s different. Being pro-choice isn’t about personal feelings. It’s about believing you can’t decide for someone else.
If anyone knows credit for the tweet, lmk
AOC said this on her Instagram stories the other day and I keep repeating it to myself. Right now, with our basic human rights under attack from the people in power, it’s more important than ever for us to BE HOPE. ✊✊✊
Just added these new designs to my shop!! 20% of May profits from my store go to @yellowfund, supporting safe access to abortions and reproductive health care in Alabama. LINK IN BIO.
[image description: illustration of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @ocasio2018 in a pink suit, in front of a yellow background. Text: You can’t wait for hope. You have to be hope.] #AOC #OcasioCortez #Yellowfund #Yellowhammer #AlexandriaOcasioCortez #EmergencyResponse #StopTheBans #Alabama #AbortionBan #AbortionIsHealthCare #KeepAbortionSafeAndLegal #WontGoBack #YouKnowMe #PlannedParenthood #ProChoice #MyBodyMyChoice #Healthcare #HumanRights #RoeVWade #artofinstagram #illustration #queerartist #autisticartist #instaart #feminist #feministart #feministartist #etsy #etsyartist #sogayjen