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Let yourself fail, let yourself be a mess, but promise yourself that you will always try a little harder each day. That is all you can do. Take it day by day. You will learn things about yourself you did not know, you will learn that all this time you deserved more. ~
A BeauTiFUL thing happens when you give yourself time to heal after a fall or mess. You become you again. You find happiness again, and you find strength again to LAUNCH. ~
Grab an e-copy of the "LAUNCH FORMULA" from @brandnichelogic ~ .
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#believeinyou #startnow
You can overcome that Fear, Doubt, Procrastination and even Laziness that is holding you back! SWIPE LEFT ... send a DM to grab your E-copy NOW. ~ .
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Good morning Fam, TGIF
Pls do buy our ogbonge palm oil that can stay months without going rancid @inezpalmoil we deliver healthy and well packaged palm oil with at least a year shelf life.
Give us a trial and get value for your money
Slide to our DM and order yours Available in 1L, 4L, 10L, 20L, 25L and drums
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Among the hardest challenges we face as entrepreneurs is our reluctance to take the first step in a project, then dragging things out too long. Simple lack of motivation can leave us stuck, seemingly unable to get started on the projects we set out to do, let alone have them finished and shipped. Procrastination is familiar to all of us. During my over 15 years as an entrepreneur, I have come up with five simple strategies to stay on task and do the work needed to grow my business. ~ ✔Do the one thing - One of the great causes of procrastination is that large tasks appear overwhelming. All large tasks can be broken down to smaller, more manageable pieces and then focused on one at a time. We need to break down all of our goals and projects into smaller chunks. This is how we avoid being overwhelmed. No matter how large a project is, it can always be broken into smaller pieces that allow us to get started and work in a logical sequence until completion. ✔Set deadlines - Deadlines, whether self-imposed or set by your customers or partners, forces us to get things done. An end in sight always makes work easier to accomplish. Tasks tend not to be concrete in our minds without a clearly defined deadline. That lack of clarity causes procrastination. ✔Done is better than perfect - Striving for perfection has been the death of many brilliant ideas, products, books and businesses. It is essential that we always strive to do our absolute best, but as entrepreneurs we need to ship and then recapitulate. Ship your ideas and products at 80 percent, then work to make them better through a process of repetition and improvement. The longer we stare at a blank page or whiteboard, the more difficult the task becomes in our minds. The longer it takes us to get started, the more our internal dialogue works against us. The more this happens, the less likely we are to complete the task or project. ✔Take a walk without thinking - This may seem counter-intuitive, but it has been proven that stepping away from a task can be beneficial to completing a task. Numerous studies have shown that people tend to perform better mentally after light to medium exercise. ~
Grab Our "LF" NOW!
Business ideas alone are worth very little. If you want to start a business and become successful with it, you need to solve meaningful problems. ~
Execution is everything in business. Becoming successful in business is more about your mentality, psychology and determination than it is about finding little tips, tricks, hacks and exploitations in the marketplace.
Start today. ~
The only true way to learn is by doing and you can’t afford to sit around waiting for funding, hoping someone else will come along to help you execute on your idea or complain that you don’t have the time. Making excuses won’t help you start a business and it sure as hell won’t help you create the lifestyle you want for yourself. ~
Launch before you feel ready. If you wait until your product or service feels perfect, someone else will already be doing a better job of helping your customers solve their problems. Validate your business idea by launching fast, bringing on a small group of paying customers and adapting to make your solution great for them over time. ~
You’ll learn how to validate ideas quickly & cheaply in our online course, 30 Days to Validate.
How you choose to manage your time and decide which opportunities to pursue that will greatly impact your success when starting a business. ~
Outsource everything you can, so that you can focus on doing what only you can do in your business. Do everything in your power to avoid spending money when you start a business. Build a lean solution that provides value to your customers and only spend money on the absolute essentials at the moment you need them. ~
Never stop building meaningful relationships with customers and other people in your industry. Choosing to instead view competitors as potential partners and collaborators can positively impact your business in a big way. Focus on setting & achieving small incremental goals rather than trying to start a business and instantly build your vision of what the company should be in the years to come. Setting realistic goals and milestones is a major component of our course, The Launch Formula ... You Need It ~ .
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Wholesale Deal Available
Biocell Collagen Platinum Forte + Vitamin C is a Collagen and Vitamin C injection that helps to enhance skin whitening process from within. It works as an anti-aging and anti-oxidant to boost the immune system, replace loss of collagen and improve skin elasticity. Can be administered intramuscular or intravenously
Recommended Dosage: Use 1-2 injections every week for 1 or 2 months and for maintenance when desired result is reached, 1 injection every 2 weeks
Ascorbic Acid 20000mgSolution Collagen d'extrait 15000mgAminox Essential Amino Acid 2000mg
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Good Day Fam
Which swallow will you eat with this Bitter leaf Soup? .
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Are You In Need Of More Customers?
Check out these simple ways to increase your sales on Instagram;
ONLY POST COMPELLING IMAGES: Instagram is a visual platform, so first and foremost only post high quality images.
Ideally your images should be creative and eye-catching and appropriately highlight the product you which to promote. Once your customers land on your profile, they must be able to recognise your brand immediately meaning all your products and contents must align together.
Remember, visual representation of your brand online maybe the first experience your customers have with it, so make sure it's great.
INVEST IN FACEBOOK/INSTAGRAM ADS: Advertising on Instagram can help you reach a new and targeted audience. It's a worthwhile investment especially if your business or brand is fairly new. You can plan out Instagram Ads in such a way that you reach the customers who are most likely to buy your products. Facebook has a tool that helps you in determining who is likely to buy from you (Audience Insights). If done right, this will definitely increase your sales.
RUN INSTAGRAM RETARGETTING CAMPAIGNS: To further improve the effectiveness of your Instagram Ads, use retargetting to engage people who have already interacted with either your Ads or page - in other words, consumers who have already expressed interest in what your business provides. This will also enhance the effectiveness of your Ads thereby increasing sales.
Which one of these are you going to try first? Let me know in the comment section.
For more of tips like this, follow @dsocialmediaassistant Quadri, D Social Media Assistant
I used to have this erroneous opinion that Asians were backward when it comes to fashion but the CEO of the company I promote has become my intervention on that erroneous opinion. See him rocking our very own Marvisia brand head to toe. I mean frames, suit, jacket, shoes (you need vision to see them, not just sight ) We're about to shake the lifestyle product market with our Marvisia brand and you have the opportunity of being one of the first distributors. A lot of money will be made.
What side of money are you?
The scarce side or the abundance side? .
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