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Introduction to gemology, gems grading and Identification
Do you want to build up your knowledge as a gemstone collector ? Do you want to accelerate your path towards a professional gemology career ?
Then you should enroll in the forthcoming Gems identification and Grading class organized by the Gemological institute of Nigeria (GIN) in partnership with ACCI BEST Centre to learn:
- How to identify gemstone
- Grade gemstones
- Understand gem properties
- Understand the use of gemology tools and much more
Register here or call 08117979455
@accibestcentre @#acci #chamberofcommerce #training #entrepreneur #best1000 #bestcentre #accibestcentre #focus #gemstones #gemnigeria #abuja #gem
Images from signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between The National Association of Retired Paramilitary Officers (NARPO) and Abuja Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) to train retired or retiring personnel in the art of business management and skill development. @adesugba @vikiakai #ACCIBESTCENTRE
The Provost of BEST Centre Prof. Adesoji Adesugba and BEST Centre’s Director Ms Victoria Akai met with a representative of Al Medina (MEDIU) University, Prof. Dr. Barjoyal Bin Bardai; to conclude arrangements for the commencement of the partnership to offer course from MEDIU University at BEST Centre. Courses range from short term studies, Bsc and PhD in various subjects. @adesugba @vikiakai #ACCIBESTCentre