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Как всегда , бой с самим собой приведи тело в порядок за 2 недели ♀️. Тело воюет , не поддаётся , вес уходит медленно, но главное не давать слабину У меня ещё 6 тренировок в этом году, а у вас ? #fitness #fitnessmotivation #fitnessgirl #workout #stellamccartney #adidasbystellamccartney #gym #gymgirl #gymlife #спорт #мотивация #спортмотивация
Thank you for all of your supporting words! A lot of people tell me to “睇開啲”, “唔好理嗰啲人”, but to be honest, the reason it still gets to me is because I still hold the belief that there is (some extent of) truth and fairness in this world. That those who speak have integrity, and those who listen have acuity, rationality, and the ability to discern right from wrong.
You call this naive, I call this being young. The day I don’t care is the day I become jaded. Let’s try to postpone the dawning of this day as much as possible... or it may never come!
PS Exercising does rejuvenate and help you stay young @airfitnesshk @5g_joe
Outfit #adidasbystellamccartney @cprhk @fameglory @joanne_h_chan
Pc @carolyip0608
You have a daily income of 84600 seconds. Spend it wisely! ♥️ .
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Putting that little effort into looking good for my workouts always helps me bring my A game!!! My forever favourite is Adidas By Stella McCartney. The fusion of Adidas's sports expertise with Stella McCartney's style is totally my thing.
Now excuse me while I put on some Rob Bailey shit and train like a lil’ beast.
Дисциплина — это решение делать то, чего очень не хочется делать, чтобы достичь того, чего очень хочется достичь.
#спорт #бег #приседания #мотивация #мотивацияспорт #пп #зож #motivation #squats #fitnes #fitnesbikini #sport #health #weightloss #discipline #pietupieni #ultraboost #adidasbystellamccartney