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When you believe in Christ, you receive eternal life with Him. You are now a child of God—that means you have the capability to understand His Word and His purpose for your life. You come out of darkness and into the light and the love of Christ. Take a few minutes to thank God for bringing you into relationship with Him.
The new president of @franciscanuniversity - Fr. Dave Pivonka.⠀
"Why do I do what I do? You guys, because I've been loved. ⠀
I mean I have been loved by love that's changed me. ⠀
Hopefully everything I do is because I've been loved. ⠀
And it's different than any love that I've ever experienced. It's this kind of love.⠀
In Romans, it says "God proves His love for us that while we were still sinners, He dies for us." ⠀
That is love. You see that's the love that has penetrated my heart. ⠀
That when I look at that I can actually see a God who loves me so much that he would suffer and die ⠀
so that I could be free so that I could know how much God loves me so that I could know the Lord's love will never abandon me. ⠀
He proves His love."⠀
Listen to the entire homily at the link in the bio.
Finally My first single “EVERYTHING I NEED” is out on YouTube and all streaming platforms
I want to take this opportunity to thank my Family and my Friends who believed in me more than I believed in myself..this experience taught me that Family isn't always about blood...#TEAMJOELLA you guys are amazing and the best. I’m really grateful for your love and for being so patient with me in every situation,you guys have been there in my ups and guys never gave up on me..nothing kept you guys by my side but you never stopped believing in me and loving me know yourselves..don’t need to Tag you...forever grateful.
♀️Well let’s go click the link in my bio and watch the full video on YouTube and please don’t forget to LIKE,SHARE and SUBSCRIBE ..... Blessings
Audio: @mastolamusic
Video : @deskatorres
Dresses: @evacouture243
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Попробуйте догадаться какой город и остров будет описан мной ниже
Этот город никогда не спит.. Он всегда в центре внимания, под неустанными объективами камер, освещён вспышками и прожекторами...Каждая улочка и угол здесь настолько фотогеничны, что не перестаёшь ими любоваться и бесконечно снимать.. . И вот только ты убрала камеру, как глаза видят кажется ещё Лучший вид чем прежде, руки снова тянутся за фотоаппаратом и кажется что вот -вот поймаешь мгновение.. но вдруг сознание подсказывает, что ты глубоко ошибаешься. Нет никакой технической возможности объять и передать красоту острова с его неугомонными до поздней ночи жителями . Ты словно часть одного большого корабля в его тихоходном плавании.
Это нужно видеть своими глазами хоть однажды. #cityneversleeps#spotlight#enigma#adoration
Tu es très précieux pour Moi, ton Dieu, et J’ai besoin de toi. Viens te jeter dans Mon Cœur. Follement Je t'aime !
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