advancedcardiaclifesupport acls pals americanheartassociation basiclifesupport pediatricadvancedlifesupport lifeiswhy cprcertified cprtraining cprclass cprsaveslives seeokc shoplocalokc shopsmall findyourrhythm oklahoma oklahomacity pelatihanacls shoplocalok womanownedbusiness aclsperki perki bantuanhidupjantunglanjut kursusdokter pelatihankedokteran saveoklahoma uniteammedical innashevchenkoictv
Chegamos em Leopoldina - MG... e às 19 horas estaremos no Hospital Casa de Caridade Leopoldinense, com grande público da cidade e região compartilhando e discutindo atualizações e às melhores e mais indicadas práticas no que tange à ciência da rescussitação segundo @american_heart AHA- American Heart Association, com apoio da @somitict SOMITI e @iespecursos
#iespe #somiti #americanheartassociation #aha #ahainstructor #ahaguidelines #cienciadaressuscitacao #avidaéoporque #lifeiswhy❤️ #lifeiswhy #pcr #cpr #casadecaridadeleopoldinense #sbv #savc #bls #acls #basiclifesupport #advancedcardiaclifesupport #nurse #nurselife #nursing #nursingcare #nursingnow #nursingnowbrasil #nursesweek #compartilheoconhecimento #leopoldina
⚕️ Hospital Casa de Caridade Leopoldinense, com grande público da cidade e região compartilhando e discutindo atualizações e às melhores e mais indicadas práticas no que tange à ciência da rescussitação segundo @american_heart AHA- American Heart Association, com apoio da @somitict SOMITI e @iespecursos
#iespe #somiti #americanheartassociation #aha #ahainstructor #ahaguidelines #cienciadaressuscitacao #avidaéoporque #lifeiswhy❤️ #lifeiswhy #pcr #cpr #casadecaridadeleopoldinense #sbv #savc #bls #acls #basiclifesupport #advancedcardiaclifesupport #nurse #nurselife #nursing #nursingcare #nursingnow #nursingnowbrasil #nursesweek #compartilheoconhecimento #leopoldina
کارگاه آموزشی ACLS، تجهیزات پزشکی ، مدیریت راه هوایی
جهت پزشکان، متخصصین، پرستاران کلنیک های مشهد
اردیبهشت 1398
مشهد - ایران
#تجهیزات #تجهیزاتپزشکی #تجهیزات_پزشکی #احیا #احیای #فوریت_پزشکی #اورژانسی_باشید #اورژانس
#emergency #acls #bls
Sensacional... cirurgião aplica choque mediante à uma FV - Fibrilação Ventricular diretamente no músculo cardíaco... e o espetáculo acontece pela desfibrilação aplicada : retorno ao ritmo sinusal
#iespe #somiti #abenti #amib #americanheartassociation #FV #fibrilacaoventricular #bls #basiclifesupport #acls #advancedcardiaclifesupport #nurselife
Throwing it back to the good days of running calls with these guys! Talk about having a family of little brothers! We laughed, we argued, we drew straws on who had to wash the rig and who was on cooking and kitchen duty but they were a good bunch of guys. I was the CCTRN and jumped in with both feet for this position. They were new and learning and just barely figuring out how to read the Thomas Guide. They hated me telling them they couldn't just turn a corner and forget I was in the back with a patient, they groaned when I wanted to teach them some ACLS stuff instead of watching TV on downtime, but over time they were involved and not just an EMT sitting and watching me on a call. We goofed around a lot, but when we had to grind and work through calls together it was satisfying to watch them grow. The 4 here were my main crew for CCT calls. Two changed their minds on becoming just firefighters to wanting to become Paramedics and they succeeded. Super proud of these guys and proud to call them my brothers!! ⚕️ .
#TBT #criticalcaretransport #RN #emergency #ambulance #stationcrew #EMT #Paramedic #firefighter #ACLS #CCTRN #advancedcardiaclifesupport
#family #brothers
#repost @acara.kesehatan
Reposted from @seminar.kedokteran - .
Daftar segera pelatihan ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support) PERKI Bandung. .
RS. Pendidikan UNPAD
Jl. Prof. Eyckman No. 38 Bandung
Tanggal : 12-14 April 2019
Pendaftaran Hub :
Teddy 082216001160
Nabila 08226222645
Info pelatihan lebih lengkap cek :
#pelatihanacls #aclsperki #infoacls #pelatihankedokteran #perki #kursusacls #bantuanhidupjantunglanjut #perkihouse #intership #perkihousejakarta #acls #aclsindonesia #kursusdokter #kursuskedokteran #seminarkedokteran #aclsjakarta #advancedcardiaclifesupport #graduationdr #fakultaskedokteran #parameter
Train Like You Fight! ➡️ @k7_rina with @get_repost #zolldier #zollautopulse #zollxseries ・・・
Lernen anhand von Simulationstrainings - die effektivste Methode, praktische Fertigkeiten zu verbessern und zu trainieren.
Man kann nicht oft genug Notfallsituationen trainieren.
EMS-Competition "Ride and Rescue"
#medicalstudent #medschool #soontobeadoctor #zurnotaucharzt #simulation #simulationstraining #medicalsimulation #advancedlifesupport #advancedcardiaclifesupport #intubation #paramedic #beatmung #airwaymanagement #arzt #ärztin #rettungsdienst #ems #rettungssanitäter #emergencydoctor #emergencymedicine #cpr #lifeband #autopulse #rideandrescue
Let's go to BH City... instructor... By @iespecursos , @somitict and @american_heart
#iespe #somiti #americanheart #acls #savc #americanheartassociation #americanheartassociation❤️ #avidaéoporquê #lifeiswhy #lifeiswhy❤️ #advancedlifesupport #suporteavancadodevida #advancedcardiaclifesupport #suporteavancadodevidaemcardiologia #instructor #aclsinstructor #aclsinstructorcourse #bh #bhcity #belohorizonte #belohorizontecity
Life is why ... a vida é o porquê
@american_heart @somitict @iespecursos
#lifeiswhy #avidaéoporquê #lifeiswhy❤️ #americanheartassociation #AHA #americanheartassociation❤️ #somiti #iespe #acls #aclsinstructorcourse #aclsinstructor #advancedcardiaclifesupport #savc #suporteavancadodevida #advancedlifesupport #suporteavancadodevidaemcardiologia