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From the day we brought Asher home, Ryan has been very hands on. #ad @PampersUS has been our go-to brand for diapers because of the color changing wetness indicator and superior leak protection. This year, I’m really excited about the early Father’s Day gift I got my husband – the #LoveTheChange diaper kit! It’s filled with @PampersUS Cruisers 360 Fit diapers, Pampers wipes, at least 2 pacifiers (you never want to lose a pacifier), some toys and a change of clothes. He keeps his bag always packed with these supplies which makes it easy when he and Asher are on the go. I got the bag, diapers, wipes and all the other essentials on, with free shipping! Modern day dads are so underappreciated when they do so much around the house. Be sure to tune in to Daytime Columbus on June 11 as Ryan and I share 5 Tips for New Dads in Honor of Father’s Day! Don’t forget to spoil the dad in your life this Father’s Day by creating your own #LoveTheChange kit. All the essentials they need to care for the little ones in their lives, including Pampers Cruisers 360 Fit, are available at @Walmart and [] #LoveTheChange #Cruisers360
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