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Hashtags for theme #AFRICANUNION

We sincerely appreciate the African Union and the neighboring country of Ethiopia for its great and genuine efforts to help us Thank you እናመሰግናለን ‎ شكرا الاتحاد الأفريقي شكرا أثيوبيا #sudanuprising #ethiopia #sudan #africanunion

Hashtags for theme #AFRICANUNION

Thoughts? Around 350 million trees have been planted in a single day in #Ethiopia, according to officials, in what could possibly be a new record. The tree-planting campaign, which is a part of a national initiative meant to grow 4 billion trees throughout the country this summer, aims to prevent further #deforestation and #climatechange in a country that is prone to drought. Every citizen has been encouraged to plant at least 40 seedlings, with public offices even facing days off so that civil servants can take part, the Guardian reports. News that the 350 million trees were planted in 12 hours came via a tweet by Ethiopia’s Minister of Innovation and Technology Getahun Mekuria, who trumpeted the news. If proven, the achievement is truly record-breaking, shattering the current world record for planting trees in a single day, which stands at 50 million trees planted in #India in 2016. State-run media have urged members of the public to devote their efforts to planting and caring for the indigenous trees, with staff from foreign embassies in Ethiopia as well as international and regional organizations such as the #UnitedNations and #AfricanUnion taking part in the project. The exercise, led by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and dubbed the #GreenLegacyInitiative, is taking place across the country in 1,000 different locations, according to BBC. Critics of the prime minister claim that the campaign is a cynical exercise aiming to distract Ethiopians from domestic troubles, including internecine warfare and strife between ethnic groups that has driven around 2.5 million people from their homes. However, such conflicts are also rooted in the degraded agricultural conditions in the region, where lush vegetation and greenery has faded and made way for barren land due to decades of poor land-use policies and general underdevelopment. The United Nations says that since the early 1900s, Ethiopia’s forest coverage has precipitously declined from 35 percent of total land to barely 4 percent in the 2000s. More in comments#GreenAgenda #SaveThePlanet

Hashtags for theme #AFRICANUNION

It gives me great honor to have been chosen by the African Union to receive the African Impact award. I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the founding fathers of the Union Emperor HaileSelassie, Kuwame Nkrumah and other African leaders for establishing an institution that would serve generations to come. I want to also thank the office of the mayor of the District of Colombia and the Maryland Montgomery county for recognizing my contribution to bring Ethiopia's culture, music and history to the global stage. Africa Unite! Photo by @djphatsu #africanunion #africaunite #Ethiopia #teddyafro #derartutulu

Hashtags for theme #AFRICANUNION

Every black person in America needs to visit the African Union. They want us to come. We were treated like royalty. #advisemedianetwork #ethiopia #africanunion

Hashtags for theme #AFRICANUNION

I am truly honored and humbled to be one of the recipients of the Ambassador Award of 2019. Thank you so much to #ethiopianembassy and to the honorable #dc mayor @mayor_bowser If you’re in the #dc area and would like to come to the event, you can go to the link below ⬇️ to RSVP. It is on a first come, first served basis-no fees at the door. However, seats are limited. #ambassadoraward #dc #panafrican #connectingcommunities #hailesellassie #africanaffairs #rastafarianlove #rastafari #au #africanunity #africanunion

Hashtags for theme #AFRICANUNION

Have you been to and or do you want to go to Africa? #ottovonspinmarck #ethiopia #ethiopiatreeplanting #climatechange #reforestation #colonialism #coldwar #imperialism #africanunion #britishempire #britain #brexit #europeanmemes #europeanunion #eu #historymemes #worldwar #starwarsmemes #prequelmemes #generalgrievous

Hashtags for theme #AFRICANUNION

Lil Jon Opens Another School in Ghana. Lil Jon knows the value of education.⠀ ⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #liljon #giveback #ghanabraids #positiveblacknews #pleasesupport #EducationNationale #EducateGirls #blackandeducated #GlobalNews #africa #africannews #AfricanUnion #HiphopMusic #hiphopnews #hiphopdaily #smarternotharder #stuffyoushouldknow #westafrica #ghanafashion #BlackPeopleSavingUSTennis #blackpeopletwitter #dreadhead #djlifestyle #okay #blacknews #blackmedia #whatthefestmusicfestival #akon #thechi #ghanamusic credit: @blackcoffy1

Hashtags for theme #AFRICANUNION

African Union with her Excellency Arikana Chihombori-Quao, African Union Ambasssador to the USA. #au #africanunion #usa

Hashtags for theme #AFRICANUNION

ዋሽንግተን ዲሲ በሚገኘው የአፍሪካ ህብረት ፅ/ቤት የአፍሪካ ተፅዕኖ ፈጣሪዎች ሽልማት እንዲሁም የዋሽንግተን ዲሲ ከንቲባ ፅ/ቤት እና የሜሪላንድ ከተማ የሞንቶጎሞሪ ካዊንቲ ፅ/ቤት ተሸላሚ በመሆኔ ለአፍሪካ ህብረት ፤ ለከተማዋ ከንቲባ እና ለከተማው ኗሪ በሙሉ ከፍ ያለ ምስጋናዬን አቀርባለሁ :: Photo by @djphatsu #AfricanUnion #Ethiopia #teddyafro #Derartutulu

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