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Levantamiento topográfico por aerofotogrametria con empleo de Drone y puntos de control terrestre colocados por GPS RTK. Topografía de punta para trabajos y resultados más precisos, rápidos y eficientes. Topographic survey by aerial photogrammetry using Drone and land control points placed by GPS RTK. Top-of-the-line topography for more precise, fast and efficient jobs and results. Venezuela. #venezuela#obra#dronestagram#topography#drone#fotogrametria#rtk#ingeniería#topografia#survey#cartography#maps#mapping#gis#dji#geomatics#gnss#photoscan#higuerote#totalstation#uav#landsurveying#heavyequipment#machinery#rpas#agisoft#геодезист#topographic#landsurveyor#civilengineering
One of our tasks.
Indentify the infraction of land utilization in a sample area using simple method like this :
Catch the phenomena by DJI camera -- photo mosaic (just tens to hundreds of photo in every sample area) -- georeferencing -- environmental problems identification -- problem clarification using the existing regulation -- decision making
#dji #agisoft #pix4d #drone #noondaystyle #hardwork #onemappolicy