airborneranger rltw jumpmaster 75thrangerregiment airborne rangers specialforces 75rangers battlife ihatepeople rangerlife rangerwife scrollfactory scrolllife suasponte taskforceranger armystrong usarmy airborneinfantry rangersleadtheway infantry ranger army 82ndairborne airborneschool paratrooper 173rdairbornebrigade armyranger armyrecruiter betsyrossflag 1errpima
Paratroopers - Follow Us @jumplogapp #jumplogapp #airborne #airborneranger #jumpmaster
#armystrong #rltw #airborneschool #armyranger #skysoldier #deathfromabove #stmereeglise #paratrooper #mabuhay #hidup #airborneinfantry #usasoc #arsof #specialforces #civilaffairs #psyops #82ndairborne #fortbenning #fortbragg #fortrichardson #25ID #geronimo #173rdairbornebrigade #rangersleadtheway @kunto_as04
New Program!! #NeverQuit Training to join the Elite Ranks of the 75th Ranger Regiment? #RASP
•We've teamed up with @socomathlete to deliver you a detailed, targeted program.
•Our Program is formatted to YOUR device, and offers pertinent RASP guidance, Ranger Creed, and detailed daily workouts incoporating running, ruck marching, calisthenics & weights for up to 10 weeks if repeating! #SuaSponte #RLTW
•RASP is 8 Weeks in Length
•Minimum Passing Scores for Ranger Fitness Test: -Push-ups: 58
-Sit-ups: 69
-5 mile run in 40:00
-Pull-ups: 6
•Students will accomplish a 15 meter Swim in Uniform, Boots, Vest, & Rifle. Ensure you’re comfortable in the water!
•Ruck March/Ruck Runs
-Students have 40-50 pounds of gear in their pack/rucksack.At RASP, a 12 mile ruck must be accomplished on Day 4 in under 3 hours!
-Rucking at ~14 minutes per mile pace is ideal. Candidates will conduct 3-4 Ruck Marches throughout the course.
•Candidates must also perform two 5 mile runs for time.
•Land Navigation (Both Day & Night)
-With map & compass, candidates will be expected to navigate to various points in various time requirements both individually and as a team. #ArmyRanger
⚡: Link to Program in BIO
#usarmyranger #usarmy #warriorathlete #militarymuscle #sofprep #tipofthespear #rangersleadtheway #tacticalathlete #tacticalfitness #socomathlete #roguefitness #75thRangerRegiment #rangerschool #airborneranger #armystrong
Down in Georgia at Ranger Rendezvous with my homie Jariko aka: @laidbackberserker - We went out to Cole Range which is where it all begins for those electing to try their skillz at becoming a Ranger. Also hit the Ranger Memorial and spent a little time reflecting on those who were a part of my life for so many years and shaped who I’ve become. Love you guys and wish I’d seen more of you here! Also got a lot of hang time with some amazing active Rangers (Max/Cooter/Mike/too many more to name) and I’m nothing but impressed and inspired by their professionalism and dedication to America. I’m proud to have come from such a great organization. Lastly, a pic of me and my homeboy Doc Young @rgr_yg375 - we spent a lot of years together and were roommates for quite a while too. We keep in touch but haven’t hung together since 1997 so I’m very appreciative of that! Love you brothers! Keep taking it to the bad guys! @75tharmyrangers #airborneranger #rangerrendezvous #75th #rangers #rangersleadtheway #army #silenceandlight #armyranger #jasoneverman #jbradford #3rdrangerbattalion #bco #americascompany
@6thrtb Doing work - Side note, the hardest phase in my opinion. Argue Below ⬇️ Follow Us @jumplogapp #jumplogapp #airborne #airborneranger #jumpmaster
#armystrong #rltw #airborneschool #armyranger #skysoldier #deathfromabove #stmereeglise #paratrooper #mabuhay #hidup #airborneinfantry #usasoc #arsof #specialforces #civilaffairs #psyops #82ndairborne #fortbenning #fortbragg #fortrichardson #25ID #geronimo #173rdairbornebrigade #rangersleadtheway
Rangers During training ⚡ Follow @sf_warriors for daily SOF Pictures
#rangerregiment #rangers #Rangers2019 #75thranger #75thrangers #75thrangerregiment #rangersleadtheway #RLTW #ranger75thregiment #rangerschool #RASP #rangerup #rangerspecialforces #3drangerbattalion #2ndrangerbattalion #1strangerbattalion #airborneranger #specialforcesoperator #specialforcestraining #specialforcesfitness #fitnessprep #specialforcestraining #warriors #warriorsmindset
Well it’s not static line but we cannot unsee this Give @jumplogapp a follow Good find @codynichols26 @outofmind
#jumplogapp #airborne #airborneranger #jumpmaster #jumpmasterlife #armystrong #rltw #airborneschool #skysoldier #deathfromabove #stmereeglise #paratrooper #mabuhay #hidup #airborneinfantry #usasoc #arsof #specialforces #civilaffairs #psyops #82ndairborne #fortbenning #fortbragg #fortrichardson #25ID #geronimo #173rdairbornebrigade #dday #rangersleadtheway