allaj sttd wiratamaseventeeners all17 keepdzikrulloh islam why308 keephealthylifeandminds achilles petualanganrockybiru taftdieselindonesia deserthawkxmt allah keephealthylifeandmind taftrockyindonesia kji_gresik noroadnoproblem taftrocky taftrocky_id weloveindonesia indonesia love muslim allajxvii bighug biglove bromo celsius
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Daha fazlası için
#Allaj #Allahvargamyok #AllahvarAllahyar #Allahu_Ekber #HzMuhammed #hakdinislam #islamiyet #islamgüzelleştirir #islamgüzeldirkıymetinibilene #islamgüzeldinazizim❤️ #islamgüzelahlaktır #Namaz #NamazKılmakBirKimliktir #NamazsızYaşaNamaz #Sabır #şükür #Zikir #Kuran #Kurandanmesajvar #Mekke #Medine #salavat #ayet #hadis #tevekkül #tesettür #ahiret #iman #ibadet #RasulAllah
Those who repent a lot are called “Awwabeen” – they are those who keep turning to their Lord despite their sins. They acknowledge their Lord is At-Tawwab; if Shaytan deceives them and they commit a sin, they do not lose hope in their Lord. Rather, as soon as they realize their error they turn to Him in repentance.
Sincere repentance is not only by one’s tongue but also by one’s heart and limbs. Its conditions are remorse, sincere intention, seeking forgiveness and leaving off sins.
May Allah forgive us and grant us goodness.
May Allah keep us away from the evil.
Ya Allah, You are the Most Forgiving! I beg you, Oh My Lord, please forgive me!
#allahisthemostmerciful #enlightenursoul #allahisthegreatest #themostmerciful #Allaj #Quran #islam #sins #repentance #dua #ayat #surahalzumar #Forgiveness #morning #Verse #allahuakbar #astaghfirullah #astaghfar
@videomakna Assalamu'alaikum
Mental mujahid. .
Semoga Bermanfaat .
#sabarituindah #sabar #istigfar #doa #sholat #yuksholat #yukngaji #yuksholat #yukdakwah #yuksholawat #doapagi #plg #sabarituindah #sabarlahdiriku #plglipp #sabariniujian #allaj #Palembang #pendosa #yukhijrah #hijrah #pemuda #kajian #kajianislam #dakwahislam
#Gaza #support #missions
I woke up crying again this morning thinking my #family see's me as such a horrible human being. Then yet again I repeated over and over #HasbinAllahWaNimalWakil HasbinAllah Wa Ni-mal Wakil, HasbinAllah Wa Ni-mal Wakil.!! #Allaj is sufficient for me and He is the best disposer of affairs. So I pulled my shit together coz I have a far greater mission. Here I am so #happy #alhamdulillah that #LakembaMosque / #LebaneseMuslimAssociation was so supportive of me and that I will be liaising with the #sheikhYahya soon. Another #success step story closer. Shame the Turkish affiliated organizations having quite given much of sh*. have Next stop #MuslimAidAustralia. Hadi #Bismillah.