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Whenever people tell me organic food is too expensive or scoff at the idea of paying for acupuncture, I ask them if they have a Netflix or Spotify account, if they have cable TV, or eat out at restaurants, or whether they buy concert or movie tickets, or clothes they don't absolutely need, or drinks in a bar... the answer is usually enough to make them realize the absurdity of what they have said.
I completely understand for people living in poverty, good health and wellness seems (and in many cases, is) completely unattainable because of how falsely cheap and nutrient poor the food system has made most of our food, and how the insurance system has created out-of-whack prices for health and wellness services.
But for everyone else who bemoans the organic (by the way let's just call it "not messed with" instead) food markup, it's about priorities. Who agrees? #getwellbe [ @holistichart via @greenestreetjuice]
#alternativehealing #choosehealthy #digestivehealth #organicfood #feelyourbest #fuelyourbodyright #functionalmedicine #functionalnutrition #guthealing #healthmatters #healthtips #healthybenefits #nochemicals #nontoxicliving #wellnessblogger #wellnessjourney #chooseorganic
I'm sure many of you are with family this weekend (and we're all indulging for sure) but have any of you felt or realized when you go home or to your in-laws or some other extended family member's home how much you've changed your eating habits to protect or improve your health, and then are somewhat shocked by the way you USED to eat, or by the way your family eats or by some of their lifestyle habits?
And then once you realize that, how hard it is to not seem like a total jerk by buying or eating your own food or saying no to certain family traditional foods that are just super unhealthy? It's such a struggle but I'm curious to know how you handle it! #getwellbe
#familyhealth #diseaserunsinfamilies #genetics
#alternativehealing #choosehealthy
#feelyourbest #fuelyourbodyright #functionalmedicine #functionalnutrition #healthier #healthierchoices #naturalhealing #wellnessfitness #wellnessjourney #wellnesslifestyle #wellnesswarrior
2020 will rock our world! Baby Long due 1.1.20 ✨ but all the & for this babe coming a couple days early! and that my bump progression pics get less awkward
All jokes aside...getting here has been a 2.5 year encounter with #infertility and finding out I had stage IV #endometriosis . This certainly came into my life for a reason and has taught me SO much. I’ll be following up soon with some major #gratitude posts for the folks who helped me stay grounded through the roller coaster ride and how they helped me heal. Also, to show the #1in10 who get this diagnosis and search all the #endo hashtags, like I did, that there is hope and #alternativehealing paths they can explore.
Hey everyone, it’s me... Liane!
In the beginning of my healing journey I felt the overwhelming need to close myself off, UNLEARN what I was taught about what was right for my body, RELEARN how to listen to it and push the RESET button.
It’s been a crazy roller coaster of a journey and the roallercoaster is on and everything around you is on and still feels like it most of the time! .
I know in the process of all this I’ve left some of you out of the loop.It’s hard to keep everyone updated but I finally feel ready to try. ☺️
So for those of you who don’t know it’s been almost 2 years since I was diagnosed with Stage 2 Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma after four biopsies...yes I said four! Shortly after a confirmed diagnosis I began my 9 rounds of ABVD(Chemo)followed by 28 days of targeted radiation. A month into “remission” the cancer returned with a vengeance, according to my doctor.
That’s when I decided to - GET THIS - take my health into my own hands, I know crazy right?
No longer am I willing to allow a doctor to simply hide the symptoms of cancer and not find the root cause of it in the first place! In a search for a cure thus began my holistic healing journey that I am still on today. ♀️
Moving forward I’ve decided to use this platform to familiarize you all with my regimen, all the tasks,big and small, I do on a daily basis to kick cancers ass and hopefully answer any questions you may have along the way.
Please follow me on my journey. ⬆️
Curious about how I got to this point? (Me .
I will do my best to answer what I know so far. Don’t be afraid now! Cancer is just a scary word and it is so because we give it power, I would like you to take that power back with me!
#holstichealth #alternativehealing #naturalmedicines #wholistichealth #vegan #plantbased #rawfood #rawvegan #rawesome #wholefoods #detox #detoxdiet #detoxyourbody #cleanse #holisticwellness #mindbodysoul #healingjourney #selfhealing #healingenergytools #beatcancer #cancerfighter #nonhodgkinslymphoma #nonhodgkins #bloodcancer #igerjax #jaxlocals #vscojax
Our interview with Dr. Robert Graham, MD of @freshmednyc is LIVE on The WellBe Podcast! Dr. Graham is really an inspiration to all doctors. This @harvard trained doctor went back to culinary school recently to become a chef because he believes so deeply in the power of food as medicine.
He also told me "you are your own best doctor" as thinks the greatest part of his work is NOT having to give patients medicine because they've been able to heal their own issues by focusing on the 5 pillars of wellbeing.
You'll love this episode (only 15 minutes so download for wherever you're traveling tomorrow!) - link in bio and this pic to listen on itunes or search "getwellbe" wherever you listen to podcasts and PLEASE write a quick review. Or you can also read/watch the interview on our site! Who wants local, organic food as medicine in hospitals too?! #getwellbe
#alternativehealing #choosehealthy #digestivehealth #feelyourbest #flexibleeating #foodforfuel #fuelyourbodyright #functionalmedicine #functionalnutrition #guthealing #healthmatters #healthtips #healthybenefits #wellnessblogger #wellnessfitness #wellnessjourney #wellnessthatworks
Is this you We got perfect thing for you!!⠀
It's not too late for you to take advantage of Early Bird discount for IET trainings on 6/16,22 &29th - and you can really talk about and work with the UNIVERSE⠀
IET is a great additional skill to you existing healing practice, or as your first healing modality⚡Let's get the old issues out at the cellular level! The training is on 6/16,22 &29th, and 6/30 IET for kids✨ led by @carolynjwoodson & @flowwitheb⠀
For more info, please visit MINKAbrooklyn app (free from iTune or Google Play) or⠀
Image via @amberlanier⠀
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