alvin houston pearland texas ustadzarifinilham arifinilham love army brazilianjiujitsu brazoria champion cute drive fitness goals gold hardwork htown infinitybjjalvintx infinityjiujitsu jiujitsu kingzkimonos mindset motivation noexcuses nogi psbjj shoyoroll instateddies
Alvin koser seg med en liten skogstur på landeveien ☘️ se så nydelige hvitveis enger, marka er våt etter alt regnet. Men fantastisk temperatur i dag.
God helg ønskes alle fra Alvin med familie.
Ta vare på hverandre, å nyt helgen
Alvin enjoys a small forest tour on the country road ☘️ see so lovely flowers.
The ground is wet after all the rain. But great temperature today.
Good weekend every pawdy from Alvin with family.
Take care of each other, enjoy the weekend
"Ahh, good scratches! Wait...are you recording me?" ・・・
#Repost @jezka4 (@get_repost)
When you’re really into that scratch and notice someone filming you....
#horsesofinstagram #funnyhorses #gordyville #instantimpulse #apha #markedforgreatness #painthorse #painthorsesofinstagram #paintsdoitbest #alvin