americangirlbrand agig americangirldoll joy2everygirl agdolls agdoll americangirl americangirldolls dollstagram agiger dolls dollphotography activeagig americangirldollphotography joy2everydoll agdollphotography dollsofinstagram loveag doll famousdolls 18inchdoll charactercounts adultdollcollector agfairwayplace agigphotojoy americangirlinstagram americangirlplace dollcollector easter joy2everygirl
A perfect way to keep cool on a hot day! #agig #americangirl #americangirldoll #americangirldolls #activeagig #americangirlbrand #agigphotojoy #agigphotographer #agigphotography #Joy2EveryGirl #joy2everygirl #dollcollector #dollcollectors #adultdollcollector #adultagcollector #photographer #photography #lemonadestand
The summer wind came blowing in...
Or, I guess in Kanani's case, she made her own wind! There is nothing like a fan blowing in your face after a really long, hot day in the sun. I got this mini one at the dollar store and it's absolutely perfect AG size! What have been some of your most recent doll-sized finds? I'm always on the hunt!
#agig#agdoll#agdolls#americangirl#americangirlbrand#famousdolls#dollstagram#joy2everygirl#americangirlphotography#toyphotography#mattel#dollphotography #oliviaslittleworld #dollartree
Took some photos of my collection today! Working on a video to go along with it! #halomadedollfashions #agig #agiger #adultagcollector #americangirl #americangirldolls #americangirldollcollector #agbeforever #loveag #americangirlbrand #dollcollection #agdollcollector #agdollcollection #americangirldollroom #adultagcollector #18inchdolls
My Gal Lanie rocking as much rainbow as I could literally find
Awhile ago I actually found a nice Lanie on ebay, bc old lanie had gashes on her face, and dried glow-paint that wouldn’t come off, needless to say it was time for an upgrade. (i also low key used to launch lanie into the trees as a kid so that probably contributed to her condition too oop)
QOTD: Have you ever sent a doll to the Doll Hospital?
AOTD: Nope (tho i almost sent old lanie)
Traveling home today We had a great visit with family! I’m ready to sleep in my own bed though, and see my dolls ❤️ #americangirl #americangirlbrand #americangirldoll #agig #agiger #agdoll #agcollector #dollphotography #adultagcollector #joy2everygirl #joy2everydoll #customamericangirldolls #famouscustoms