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In June it will be 2 years since I’ve started working out. I’ve always been straight up about my shit. I don’t hide shit because I feel like I don’t need to. Believe it or not I’ve seen comments on photos of me that have been reposted where fucking idiots comment “roids” or “juice” which of course comes from the morons who literally don’t know shit. That pisses me off more so than the “photoshop” comments. I don’t have an issue with people using steroids because a lot of them are in the greatest shape and despite what people think you still have to put in the work.
My issue is that average people like us who don’t know a lot, think “hey we should buy the supplements they are using so we can look like that too!” NO MOTHERFUCKERS YOU WONT! Most of the biggest people in the industry are on steroids (yes even those fit little women use) and for them to say “I use this or that supplement for my work outs” when in reality most of the time the steroids are what’s helping them get down to that insanely shredded look we are led to believe is normal and attainable if we just use their brand of supplements. Again no problem with steroids, I just don’t like it when they make it seem as if it’s their supplements that got them to look like that.
Another thing I can’t stand are these IG bitches trying to make you buy detox tea because it’s all bullshit. And yes to those fakes I am talking shit. I swear if one them try to come on my page with that shit I will straight up fuck you up! Lol also, fuck #DREAMINGELEGANCE LOL I just wanted to throw that in there.
OXANDROLONA, sem dúvidas é o esteroide oral mais conhecido e o “queridinho” das mulheres devido seu baixo poder virilizante (carácteres sexuais masculinos). • Ela começou a ser distribuída em 1964 nos Eua com o nome comercial de Anavar • Tem uma grande variedade de uso terapêutico, incluindo doenças como Aids, grandes queimaduras, osteoporose, problemas de crescimento e sindrome de Turner. • É um esteroide sintético ,17 AA derivado da DHT(dihidrotestosterona), é pouco androgênico e possui um efeito anabólico moderado. • Sua administração é oral ou tópica. • Sua baixa androgenicidade (efeitos virilizantes) e baixa hepatotoxicidade (dano ao figado) faz com que ela seja uma droga muito bem tolerada e as críticas ateibuidas a ela, se devem a má utilização sem acompanhamento médico, via de administração e doses equivocadas. • Quando prescrita na forma correta pode ser de grande auxilio no tratamento. • Embora ela nao se converta em DHT, ainda pode provocar efeitos colaterais androgenicos, como acne e queda de cabelo, principalmente quando usado em doses incorretas. • A Oxandrolona também não sofre aromatização (conversão em estrogênio) por esse motivo não causa ginecomastia. • Ela oferece um aumento da massa magra com pouca ou nenhuma retenção de água. Além da excelente ação lipolítica (queimar gordura). • Promove também um aumento de força, pois aumenta a síntese de fosfocreatina, aumentando rapidamentea recuperação e reserva de ATP, possibilitanto treinos mais fortes e intensos. • É uma droga versátil e tem sido utilizada em diversas modalidades esportivas. • Nunca use qualquer tipo de hormônio sem auxílio de seu médico. Doses e tempo de uso inadequado podem trazer efeitos colaterais, inibição do eixo hormonal e alterações significativas no perfil lipídico (colesterol, hdl e ldl). #anavar #oxandrolone
#Repost @lwpgainz6
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Here is our LWP pharma athlete @officialflexwheeler only trusting the #1 company for all their needs. LWP pharma helping athletes get to their most optimal performance. LWP helping the great become phenomenal 1 athlete at a ! Working with the best and providing the best, often imitated, never duplicated!! duplicatedsquat #bench #deadlift #apemanstrongapemanstrong #npc #ifbb #ifbbpro #gains #gainz #testosterone #workout #bodybuilding #bodybuilder #deadlifts #benchpressing #curls #gym#muscle #squats #squat #beastmode #steroids #anavar #victormartinez #benchpress #curls #fitness#beastmode #fitnessmotivationbest#bodybuildingmotivation @kenny_boulet #powerlifting #npc #victormartinez @fakhrimubarak_ceo_ifbbpro @ifbbpromichaellockett @fredbiggiesmalls @ifbblong @marksmellybell @ifbbvictormartinez @brandonlilly3 @weaponx_ifbbpro @brandon__curry @big_ramy @stanefferding @partyboy_aesthetics @realmattwenning @ifbbprochristuttle @victormunoz_proedge @ifbbpro_christian_salcedo @ifbbprochristuttle @teamfak @roccoaversa @jailhousestrong @thorbjornsson @shawstrength @rollerrodney
Only trusting the @lwpgainz2 #1 company for all their needs. LWP pharma helping athletes get to their most optimal performance. LWP helping the great become phenomenal 1 athlete at a ! Working with the best and providing the best, often imitated, never duplicated!! duplicatedsquat #bench #deadlift #apemanstrongapemanstrong #npc #ifbb #ifbbpro #gains #gainz #testosterone #workout #bodybuilding #bodybuilder #deadlifts #benchpressing #curls #gym#muscle #squats #squat #beastmode #steroids #anavar #victormartinez #benchpress #curls #fitness#beastmode #fitnessmotivationbest#bodybuildingmotivation @kenny_boulet #powerlifting #npc #victormartinez @fakhrimubarak_ceo_ifbbpro @ifbbpromichaellockett @fredbiggiesmalls @ifbblong @marksmellybell @ifbbvictormartinez @brandonlilly3 @weaponx_ifbbpro @brandon__curry @big_ramy @stanefferding @partyboy_aesthetics @realmattwenning @ifbbprochristuttle @victormunoz_proedge @ifbbpro_christian_salcedo @ifbbprochristuttle @teamfak @roccoaversa @jailhousestrong @thorbjornsson @shawstrength @rollerrodney
Is a difference between losing and being defeated! @lwpgainz2
Only trusting the @lwpgainz2 #1 company for all their needs. LWP pharma helping athletes get to their most optimal performance. LWP helping the great become phenomenal 1 athlete at a ! Working with the best and providing the best, often imitated, never duplicated!! duplicatedsquat #bench #deadlift #apemanstrongapemanstrong #npc #ifbb #ifbbpro #gains #gainz #testosterone #workout #bodybuilding #bodybuilder #deadlifts #benchpressing #curls #gym#muscle #squats #squat #beastmode #steroids #anavar #victormartinez #benchpress #curls #fitness#beastmode #fitnessmotivationbest#bodybuildingmotivation @kenny_boulet #powerlifting #npc #victormartinez @fakhrimubarak_ceo_ifbbpro @ifbbpromichaellockett @fredbiggiesmalls @ifbblong @marksmellybell @ifbbvictormartinez @brandonlilly3 @weaponx_ifbbpro @brandon__curry @big_ramy @stanefferding @partyboy_aesthetics @realmattwenning @ifbbprochristuttle @victormunoz_proedge @ifbbpro_christian_salcedo @ifbbprochristuttle @teamfak @roccoaversa @jailhousestrong @thorbjornsson @shawstrength @rollerrodney