annabel шьюназаказ любимаяработа крой шить animius_annabel jpop индивидуальныйпошив anime japanese пальто пошивназаказ fashion rock игрушки babyborn акция воображуля воображулятверь дети скидки тверь map платье nadjabelik магазинигрушек osu_standart style animefigures anna договорнойматч
Vu, deja-vu? Did you manage to get a picture with the gents in the flowery suits though? Hehe ♀️ #chelseainbloom .
We were actually taking pictures on the other side of the road and as we got closer, I kindly asked if I could have a picture with this fashionista (I know it's his uniform for this week but isn't he a stunner?) He very sweetly agreed and even put back his flowery cap on (which he had taken off for 15 minutes or so, probably because it was too hot) . How do you not fall in love with London and the people? ♥️
On a funnier note, he told me to go show this picture to my boyfriend to make him jealous. Haha, at least I don't have to deal with this ♀️
Alors, magique ou pas ? Allez, les loulous! Rendez vous a Mayfair. Que des fleurs ce weekend ci !
Good morning! Happy Sunday everyone ❤ We are so excited for Christmas.
What colour clothes do you wear? *******************************************#itsbeginningtolookalotlikechristmas #cristmasmood #londoncityworld #londondiaries #annabel #dnesnosim #daybyme #shetravels #girlsaroundtheworld #girlsthatwander #prettylittlelondon #traveljunkie #wanderingsoul #cestujeme
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شهرت جهانی پیدا کرده .آنابل ۲ سالن غذا خوری خصوصی تماشایی داره که موقعیت مکانی فوق العاده ای رو برای گردهمایی های صمیمی و جشن های خاص ایجاد کرده. با ترکیب بهترین غذاها و مشروبات و خدمات دنیا، اعضای این کلاب میتونن اتاق فریبنده گل رو برای تجربه رمنس و شکوه انتخاب کنند.
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