anorexia love black emmachota hungry leoroth redbandsociety skam tobeempty bts skinny ana beauty perfect pro_ana_style красота ты_ж_моя_красавица анорексия diet рпп eatingdisorder дневник mia кости bulimia depression mentalhealth ана diary diarykriss оеде
A little less than 10 years ago I took 2 semesters off from college/my bachelor in history (best degree ever ya’ll) to get help for bulimia/binge eating/anorexia.
In treatment, I was weighed daily, went to group therapy and ate lunch and dinner with my therapy group. If you didn’t finish your meal, you couldn’t leave the table. The restrooms were promptly locked for 45 min after each meal. I met many beautiful women during this time that helped me feel more connected, less alone. I don’t like talking about it, but I think it’s necessary to say that a few of the women I got to know, one being my best friend, deceased as a result of their mental illness. Mental health isn’t a fucking joke.
It’s odd to think that that was my reality over the course of a few months, that losing someone so close, was real. And it’s almost even odder to think that I couldn’t eat a meal without knowing where the nearest bathroom was for years.
Disordered eating patterns don’t just go away with some therapy and treatment. An ongoing internal honesty and awareness has to take place. Knowing your triggers. Questioning automatic thoughts/judgement. Checking the validity of those thoughts and feelings. Taking responsibility for your thoughts and emotions. And still, it’s never perfect. And that’s ok.
As a fitness professional, a trainer, a coach... This experience is invaluable. We all tend to have shit related to eating- food is EVERYWHERE and a quick fix for emotional states of mind. But becoming “FIT” isn’t necessarily answer. We used food to be escape ourselves, FIT LIFE and PHYSIQUE CHASING can very often just be another way to escape. .
I didn’t realize this until later in my personal training career- how much training and nutrition needs to be for the purpose of my self care, my care, and getting closer to myself.
. Yes, the physical/aesthetics play an important role, but it is MINOR in comparison to what it does to my brain, what helping others discover what THEIR BODIES CAN DO for overall self esteem. If you have any questions or would like to connect, feel free to DM me. I also do online coaching. No matter what you do, don’t give up. Reach out,
I’ve made it through 2 full terms of sixth form! What better way to celebrate than with pizza and cookies? I feel so excited about the future at the moment and so happy with how everything is going. A year ago I struggled to leave my house. Life is so beautiful and I know it doesn’t always seem like it, but I swear to you, there is so much waiting for you.
Well last night was... eventful!! I love you all so much <33
stay tuned for some more cute photos throughout this week ;)))
•#anorexiarecovery #edrecovery #realrecovery #keepfighting #ed #anawarrior #strongnotskinny #edfam #anarecovery #fightingforlife #foodisfuel #anorexia #anorexianervosarecovery #recovery #recoveryisworthit #eatingdisorderrecovery #eatingdisorder #eatittobeatit #eatingdisorders #beatingana #beatinged #beatinganorexia #beatingeatingdisorders #positivity #prorecovery #recoverywin #outpatientrecovery #outpatient
Reposted: @allcutified
#copingminds #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealth #mentalhealthquotes #inspirational #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthmemes #mentalhealthrecovery #mentalhealthblogger #depressionquotes #depression #depressionmemes #selflove #selflovequotes #anxiety #socialanxietymemes #inspirationalquotes #recovery #recoveryquotes #recoverymemes #selfesteem #stress #stressmanagement #dissociativeidentitydisorder #multiplepersonalities #bipolar #bipolardisorder #bipolardepression #bipolarmemes #anorexia
• PROMĚNA JAKO ?! + PŘÍBĚH • Já bych ze začátku chtěla říct, že tě NESKUTEČNĚ moc obdivuji! Jsi neuvěřitelná a strašně tě cením za to, že jsi se z toho dostala a jsi tam, kde jsi. Přeji ti hodně štěstí do budoucna a věřím, že právě teď jsi i ty VELKOU motivací pro ostatní holky, které jsou na tom podobně. Ale NEZAPOMÍNEJTE! Všechny jste krásné, jak uvnitř, tak i zvenčí. • Taky bych ti chtěla poděkovat za to, že jsi na mě dala a já ti vlastně nevědomky takhle pomohla! Moc to pro mě znamená.
• A teď si pojďme přečíst příběh @anorexia_warrior_cz ... - ,,Mám diagnostikovanou mentální anorexii a od 3.10.2018 se léčím.
Nikdy jsem se svým tělem spokojená nebyla, ale na první fotce jsem měla 29kg a hrozilo mi s 35 tepy za minutu selhání srdce.
V tu chvíli jsem si uvědomila, že nechci své tělo dál ničit a začala jsem chtít být opět zdravá.
Byla a stále je to velmi těžká cesta, najít si znovu lásku k jídlu a svému tělu, ale nevzdávám to.
Další fotka je z února 2019 . Na ní už jsem skoro uzdravená. Ve smyslu, že mám už zpátky svoji zdravou váhu, ale stále mi něco chybělo ke štěstí.
Až ty si mě namotivovala k tomu začít se pořádně zajímat o to, co jím, a také o své tělo a jeho potřeby. Před pár dny jsem se rozhodla chodit do posilovny a nabrat svaly. Je to to, co mě celou dobu lákalo a také to, co mě do anorexie dostalo. Tenkrát jsem na to ovšem šla špatně. Neustále jsem cvičila a neúměrně tomu snižovala příjem.
Diky tobě vím, že jidlo není nepřítel, ale kamarád.
Na poslední fotce mám 46kg. Je to nejvyšší váha jakou jsem kdy měla a i přes to, že mě to děsí nikdy jsem nebyla šťastnější a plná energie.
Jdu si za svým snem a anorexii dávám zbohem.”
#PozitivneSMaky #Anorexia #AnorexiaFighter #Healthy #HealthyMind #Warrior #Positive #Inspiration #Motivation #Happy #Smile #Body #Progress #BodyPositive #Mind
Q) how did I go from terrified of food, weight gain and life to proud, recovering and still a bit scared but also loving life? A) I took the plunge, I started eating properly. Three meals, three snacks and lots of water and tea (WITH MILK). Lots of tears were shed, and I still cry sometimes. But I also laugh, sing and I can chat endlessly with friends. That’s what food is for - it’s fuel to LIVE, to enjoy the short time we have on this Earth. So pick up your fork, spoon and cup. In the words of Shakespeare, eat, drink and be merry #recovery #recovering #recoverywin #edrecovery #anarecovery #anorexianervosa #eatingdisorder #eatingdisorderrecovery #realrecovery #recoveryispossible #recoveryisworthit #anorexia #anorexiarecovery #recoverywarrior #beatana #fuckana #anawho #anawarrior #edwarrior #edfighter #edsoldier #edfamily #edfam #mentalhealthawareness #orthorexia #eatittobeatit #nourishnotpunish #prorecovery #weightmaintenance #happy
Alisha's 18th PARTAAAAY!
We tried the new Kinder Bueno ice creams and the new Haagen Dazs and they were sooooo goooood! I need some more ice cream in my life!
Mum and I went for a rather windy walk it is SO BEAUTIFUL!
I had my first ever bakery pretzel yaaaaas! AND bakery doughnut wooo!
Also of course I cried again on deciding a snack lols, but I still did it, and I challenged instead of getting annoyed with myself for getting worked up. It is allllll part of the process!