aphusuk hetalia aphengland aphamerica usuk hetaliaaxispowers aphrussia aphcanada aphrusame aphameripan aphchina aphfrance aphfruk aphfrus aphgermany aphitaly aphjapan hetaliaengland aphprussia aphsealand hetaliaamerica aph2pamerica aph2pfrance arthurkirkland england america alfredfjones alfredjones hetaliamemes
Im not at the bEACH this is a bATH TUB! .
(I THOUGHT THIS WAS HILARIOuS CREDIT AT @koucheese thanks for lettimg me repost this blessed a r t ))
#aph#HETALIA #HetaliaAxisPowers #APH #AxispowersHetalia #Aphhetalia #AphUsa #APHAMERICA #HETALIAAMERICA #AlfredFJones #AphAllies #aphalfredfjones #Hetaliareposts #APHENGLAND #APHUK #APHBRITAIN #HETALIAENGLAND #ArthurKirkland #apharthurkirkland #usuk #aphusuk
The popular American Imagist illustrator Alfred F. Jones is known for his depictions of an idealized American man who is the very symbol of commercialized masculinity in the early 20th century. What his many fans and clients do not know is that the Foster Jones Man is his beloved model and lover Arthur Kirkland who lives an idyllic dream with him in their New England estate." My comic piece for the usukustwiceperyear collection "Uncommon Professions" this year! For years I've dreamt of drawing J.C. Leyendecker + usuk somehow. Arthur and Alfred are loosely based off of J.C. Leyendecker and Charles Beach - his life partner and favorite model - who basically created menswear marketing together under Charles Beach's identity as the Arrow Collar Man. Honestly, they're iconic.
Alcohol-based marker, watercolor, and ink on watercolor paper.
#usukustwiceperyear #usuk #ukus #hetalia #aph #aphamerica #aphengland #comic #comicart #animeart #mangaart #aphusuk #aphukus #hetaliaukus #hetaliausuk #hetaliaamerica #hetaliaengland #axispowershetalia