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Hashtags for theme #APIDURA

Color me rad.

Hashtags for theme #APIDURA

Kit grid for @hansegravel and a reverse Candy B Graveller. Hamburg to Szececin in Poland, then back to Frankfurt via Berlin. 1200km, 7-10 days, across the old German Democratic Republic. [AD] #allthegearnoidea #bikepacking #kitgrid #packlighttravelfar #rauszeit #outsideisfree #biketouring #cyclinglife #gravelgrinder #bombtrackbicycleco #homeiswhereyoustakeit #msr #steelisreal #whyiride #lifebehindbars #campinglife #noideawhatimdoing #quäldichdusau #quocgravel #hanse #hansegravel #shutuplegs #bemoremike #apidura #nobaddays #radsport

Hashtags for theme #APIDURA

Adventure bikes are sick. Even at 20+kg loaded, covered in dust, with bags full of food wreckage and kit smelling like a dumpster fire. Doing the Mawson in 2017 convinced me to get something made for adventure riding and this thing did not disappoint in 2019... except for 2 tyres splitting at the bead in the last few months. WTB Trailblazers no longer get an endorsement from me. Now to clean this big rig up and tweak it for whatever comes next!

Hashtags for theme #APIDURA

準備完了! さあ冒険だ! . . #自転車のある風景 #クロモリ #クロモリロード #オールロードディスク # #ケルビム #cherubim #cherubimriders #apidura #アピデュラ #enve #九州 #熊本 #阿蘇 #九重 #四国

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しまなみ海道ライド Ride on Setouchi shimanami kaido #しまなみ海道 #ロードバイク #ロードバイクのある風景 #パナモリ #パナソニック #クロモリ #クロモリロード #grumpy #apidura

Hashtags for theme #APIDURA

At a little before noon today Val became the first woman to complete the 704 mile Cross-Washington bikepack race on her own bike. She already holds the first ever female finish from last year aboard our tandem. She now holds the tandem record and individual female record. She finished 7th overall amongst some very tough guys out there. I’m extremely proud of her. Full-time profession, puts up with me full-time and all around absolutely amazing person. Congratulations Valerie! Love you! Coach Winston and I can’t wait to see you! #toughwoman #selfsupportedracing #ultraendurancecycling #crosswashington #apidura #salsacycles

Hashtags for theme #APIDURA

To say that #ItalyDivide has been a crazy #adventure would be an understatement... . . #kenlesstats#apidura #ninerbikes #bikepackingrace #ultracycling #bikepacking #adventurecycling #ultraendurancecycling #ultraenduranceracing #nevergiveup

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The Blue Birds . . . ‍♂️ @juliane_87_bln . . @ridecannondale @canyon @apidura #cycling #goprofamily #cyclingmoments #goneriding #thecyclingculture #thankyoucycling #rideinstyle #goprohero7 #goprohero7black #apidura #bikepacking #bikepacker #gopro #brandenburg #fromwhereiride #wymtm #stravaphoto #stravaaddict #canyonbikes #cyclinglife #cyclingphoto #rideyourbike

Hashtags for theme #APIDURA

A little post-ride relaxation with coach Winston. 704 miles in 3 days, 13 hours and some disputable number of minutes. Thanks for the cheering! Keep following the Grand Depart XWa dots and cheering them on. Yes, I’m a bit partial to one in particular. Go Val! Looks like a great race going on. Hope everyone is loving it, every crazy bit of the XWa. Including carp-crotch crossing. #apidura #crosswashington #apoodlenamedwinston #vittoriatires #salsacycles #laufcycling #cyclecentral #methowcycleandsport #ultraendurancecycling

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