apismellifera beekeeping honeybee bees savethebees beekeeper apiculture nature apiary honeybees apicultura beehive honey pollinators apis backyardbeekeeping beesofinstagram flowers pollen abeja abejas beekeepers beekeeperslife insect macro beehives beekeeperlife honeycomb бдж
The queen, you can see laid eggs in the cells on the upper left side of picture.
#abeille #abeja #apiary #apiculteur #apis #apismellifera #backyardbeekeeping #bee #beefarm #beehive #beekeeper #beekeepers #beekeeping #bees #beesofinstagram #biene #biodling #hive #honeybee
#honeybees #imker #imkerei #miel #nature #novascotiabeekeepers #pollen #pollination #pollinator #pollinators#queenbee
One step closer to the moment many of you have been waiting for....#honey! # We extracted a few hundred pounds this weekend. It’s not quite ready to hit the shelves. We always order our bottles and label after we extract so now it’s just a waiting game. We expect to have it available Fathers Day weekend. Due to the demand we are only doing 1lbs jars with this run. We aren’t yet taking pre-orders or holding jars but we will be very soon. Keep an eye out on our Instagram and Facebook page for the official release! This is the only certified chemical-free, RAW, non-heated honey in southern Wake County. All of our bees are from local, feral lines, making this honey as close to wild honey that you can get. Thanks again to all of our fans out there!
#fuquay #fuquayvarina #nc #northcarolina #backyardbeekeeping #beekeeping #urbanbeekeeping #suburbanbeekeeping #fvbees #naturalbeekeeping #apismellifera #raleigh #raleighnc #organichoney #purehoney #apexnc #carync #beesofinstagram #extracting #extraction #honeyextraction #honeyextractor #maxant
Сегодня - Всемирный день пчёл:) поздравляем
Проведение Всемирного дня пчёл служит привлечению внимания к огромной роли, которую играют медоносные пчёлы при опылении растений и получении мёда и других продуктов пчеловодства (маточное молочко, пчелиный воск, прополис и т. д.).
Предложение отмечать День пчёл, выдвинутое Словенией, было единогласно одобрено Генеральной Ассамблеей ООН 20 декабря 2017 года «в целях напоминания о важности опылителей, угрозах их существованию и их вкладе в стабильное развитие».
Всемирному дню пчёл посвящена выпущенная в Словении к его первому празднованию в 2018 году памятная монета.
#пчеловодство #пыльца #медонос #всемирныйденьпчел #весна #пчелы #20мая #пчела #деньпчел #пчеловод #пчеловодствороссии #пасека #pollenpants #apiary #savethebees #beekeeper #beekeeping #hive #beehive #imker #pollen #honeybee #apismellifera
#apicultura #russianbeekeeper #russia #beekeeperslife
Here's the finished painting I created for my dear friend @jjcms in Australia a few weeks ago titled "Salvia mellifera". He wanted a piece reminiscent of his childhood home in Southern California which is very much echoed in Australia's sun-kisses landscape. The white flowers poking out of the Agave plants are Black Sage or Salvia mellifera. The nectar is spicy, strong and produces a prized rare honey due to the plant only producing enough nectar when specific rain conditions are met. #salviamellifera #passiflora #beeart #bee #apismellifera #agave #naturalscienceillustration #scientificillustration #socal #socalart
Las abejas son los principales polinizadores en la naturaleza, de ellas depende que la mayoría de cultivos formen frutos. Ellas nos dan alimentos y a cambio debemos cuidarlas #bees #abejas #abejasvivas #savethebees #sosabejas #apismellifera #apicultura #apicultores #beekeeping #beekeeperslife #polinizacion #polen #sosabejas #wildlife #insectos #cali #palmira #colombia
We are excited at @hinterlandbees to be working on a new product, our first batch of creamed honey.
Creamed honey starts with a "seed" of existing creamed honey to which we add our fresh raw uncrystallised honey. At least 10% seed is combined in the honey creaming machine, which runs for 15 minutes every hour for at least two days.
The optimum temperature for this process is 16-18°C, which is fortunate because the weather forecast for the next few days is for a maximum of around 17°C. It is the first day of winter!
The main aim of creamed honey is to harness the natural crystallisation of honey but control the size of the crystals so that they are super-fine and smooth.
Glucose is what crystallises in honey, and the naturally pure white crystals of glucose crystals result in creamed honey always being lighter in colour than the liquid honey it is made from. In honey judging, the whiter the creamed honey, the better; but we are hoping for a slightly darker caramel colour. Only time will tell.
Royalty-free music by BenSound