artandhealthsymposium artsgymsymposium health mentalhealth yearofwellbeing trysomethingnew trysomethingnewday coventry thisiscoventry cityofculture2021 workshop workshops cwcha theatre choir craft elderscompany over50s playfulness yearofwellbeing
Play Upon Words are warming up to present their first public performance of their radio play BOOM, BUST AND BLAST OFF any moment now in the Burbidge Room @BelgradeTheatre.
#TrySomethingNewDay #trysomethingnew
#ArtsGymSymposium #YearOfWellbeing #radioplay #health #mentalhealth #artsgym #performance
Artistic Director #JaniceConnolly is leading a workshop on #Women and #Theatre exploring the context for developing and delivering its recent production of #Phyllis, which highlights the need for system change across older people's health & #socialcare.
#ArtAndHealthSymposium. #artsgymsymposium #YearOfWellbeing #health #mentalhealth #CWCHA #workshops