accountforart artbedevil artcandoall artdependsonyou artfollow artgravitate artimpend artinhabit artmakesense artstandby artsubtend arttopeople artwinning beest beryllium constitute equal existential glucinium hoodooart igartist live notartlife persoart runintoart state thatart wast wert shouldart artcandoall
This is my first one on a canvas...hope U guys like it
shouldart #artimpend #hoodooart #artcandoall #igartist #artdependsonyou #artwinning #arttopeople #artinhabit #artgravitate #artsubtend #notartlife #artmakesense #artstandby #thatart #artbedevil #accountforart #runintoart #persoart #artfollow #equal #beryllium #live #constitute #state #glucinium #wert #beest #wast #existential
#shouldart #artimpend #hoodooart #artcandoall #igartist #artdependsonyou #artwinning #arttopeople #artinhabit #artgravitate #artsubtend #notartlife #artmakesense #artstandby #thatart #artbedevil #accountforart #runintoart #persoart #artfollow #equal #beryllium #live #constitute #state #glucinium #wert #beest #wast #existential
#shouldart #artimpend #hoodooart #artcandoall #igartist #artdependsonyou #artwinning #arttopeople #artinhabit #artgravitate #artsubtend #notartlife #artmakesense #artstandby #thatart #artbedevil #accountforart #runintoart #persoart #artfollow #equal #beryllium #live #constitute #state #glucinium #wert #beest #wast #existential
Join us as we celebrate new beginnings, new dreams, and most importantly Kaur and Baleem Creatives first event! an evening filled with inspiration and creativity. Kaur and Baleem Creatives will be hosting ‘All Of The World Is a Stage’ at Left Bank Leeds on the 29th of March 2019 from 7pm till 10pm.
‘All Of The World Is A Stage’ will exhibit works of Yorkshire based artists, musicians and writers. ‘All Of The World Is A Stage’ will also be showcasing live music and spoken word poetry.
Tickets will be available on the 25th of February 2019 on Eventbrite, every ticket bought online will be served with a complimentary drink on the night! Link in bio!
#shouldart #artimpend #hoodooart #artcandoall #igartist #artdependsonyou #artwinning #arttopeople #artinhabit #artgravitate #artsubtend #notartlife #artmakesense #artstandby #thatart #artbedevil #accountforart #runintoart #persoart #artfollow #equal #beryllium #live #constitute #state #glucinium #wert #beest #wast #existential
#shouldart #artimpend #hoodooart #artcandoall #igartist #artdependsonyou #artwinning #arttopeople #artinhabit #artgravitate #artsubtend #notartlife #artmakesense #artstandby #thatart #artbedevil #accountforart #runintoart #persoart #artfollow #equal #beryllium #live #constitute #state #glucinium #wert #beest #wast #existential
#shouldart #artimpend #hoodooart #artcandoall #igartist #artdependsonyou #artwinning #arttopeople #artinhabit #artgravitate #artsubtend #notartlife #artmakesense #artstandby #thatart #artbedevil #accountforart #runintoart #persoart #artfollow #equal #beryllium #live #constitute #state #glucinium #wert #beest #wast #existential
practice makes better
#shouldart #artimpend #hoodooart #artcandoall #igartist #artdependsonyou #artwinning #arttopeople #artinhabit #artgravitate #artsubtend #notartlife #artmakesense #artstandby #thatart #artbedevil #accountforart #runintoart #persoart #artfollow #equal #beryllium #live #constitute #state #glucinium #wert #beest #wast #existential
Day 670 selling my painting "Es and Pua". Price: 1 000 000$
/ - acrylic on canvas | 145 x 110 cm
Follow ▶@pausepainting◀ to help me sell my painting.
#shouldart #artimpend #hoodooart #artcandoall #igartist #artdependsonyou #artwinning #arttopeople #artinhabit #artgravitate #artsubtend #notartlife #artmakesense #artstandby #thatart #artbedevil #accountforart #runintoart #persoart #artfollow #equal #beryllium #live #constitute #state #glucinium #wert #beest #wast #existential