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Arthaus, Hauser & Wirth Somerset’s Youth Group, is the place for the creatives of tomorrow. Follow the link in our Stories to read as Debbie Hillyerd, Director of Education at Hauser & Wirth Somerset, raises a placard in the name of education (and inspiration) and explains why this is the place.
As part of the gallery’s extensive education and events programme, Arthaus is group consisting of a mix of 15-19 year-olds from various schools and colleges across Somerset which meets once a month. Named by the members at their very first session, it makes reference to films of artistic quality and, finally, ‘Haus’ as a natural link to ‘Hauser’, as in Hauser & Wirth. Since its launch, Arthaus has both instigated and responded to an impressive range of projects. The group has met with world-leading artists within the exhibition programme, such as Pipilotti Rist, Jenny Holzer, Phyllida Barlow and Mark Wallinger. They worked directly with artist Martin Creed to produce one of his paintings, the finished piece being included in his exhibition, ‘What You Find’ (2016), at the gallery.
Other outcomes from Arthaus’ activities include: private view events just for young people, visits to London art galleries, competing in national competitions such as Articulation, performances at the Hauser & Wirth annual Summer Party, work experience and much more. The pictured still, here, is taken from the film ‘This Rectangle’ made by Arthaus members in collaboration with artists John Wood and Paul Harrison this year. The culmination of a three-day workshop and two days filming with Wood and Harrison, the finished film was presented at our Somerset gallery from May – September 2018.
#Arthaus @ArthausGalleryBlog @SomeSuchMagazine #Education #Events #Learn #ArtEducation #YouthGroup #ThisIsThePlace #Somerset #HWSomerset #HWLearn #HauserWirth
Image: Production still from ‘This Rectangle’ (2018) by John Wood and Paul Harrison with Arthaus
Не все так просто в мире мужчин. Они живут с нами, любят нас, но играют при этом по своим правилам. И нам, девочкам, необходимо эти правила знать, чтобы понимать, какую игру вести и как выиграть. Чем более грамотно вы себя проявите в отношениях с возлюбленным, тем больше баллов заработаете в глазах избранника как его девушка, жена и мама будущих детей.
@elena_poledance .
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Стартовал новый марафон крючкотворчества @vesna_na_kruchke ⠀
Первое, что мы должны в нём связать это салфетка! Никогда раньше не вязала салфеток, хотя в детстве у нас дома было много салфеток, которые мама вязала из швейных ниток, а это уже на подвиг тянет ⠀
Моя салфетка из мерсеризированного хлопка связана на крючке 1,25 и это первое, что я связала таким тонким крючком, а собиралась крохотные игрушки им вязать ⠀
Салфетку вязала по видео Евгении Копаковой На втором фото самое начало этой салфетки. #vesna_na_kruchke #vesna_na_kruchke_1этап