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USA BID WINNERS! Congratulations to our 13 Elite team! They placed 3rd in gold at the Asics Florida Volleyball Challenge Regional Qualifier this weekend which earned them a USA bid to the Girls Junior National Championships. #jvcelite #jupiterelite #goldbracket #floridaregion #gjnc2019 #asicsvballchallenge
Congratulations to 16 National Corey winning the gold bracket ASICS Florida Volleyball Challenge . Let’s go reds . #AsicsVballChallenge #TeamFlorida #Asics #Volleyball #GrowTheSport #Orlando #Florida #wildfirevolleyball #miamivolleyball #westonvolleyball #plantationvolleyball #WFVB #Floridavolleyball #Floridavolleyballclub #wildfirevolleyball #playandlearn