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Growing up March 8th has always been Women’s Day. This year, it carries a different meaning. After weeks of uncertainty - and through-the-roof anxiety - my grad school has abruptly shut down and made national news. Thankfully, we are fortunate enough to have an amazing team that has made the impossible possible and my doctoral program will continue to exist under a different name. The is out again today. it is not over, all my efforts will mean something, my husband is starting an exciting new job soon, my daughter is healthy and it is, in fact, Women’s Day. so we picked some mimosa from the neighbors’ front yard, took a very deep breath, and lit a candle to celebrate all the women. Especially the ones who just went through this incredible amount of stress and the ones who helped fix this mess. #Argosystudentthroughandthrough #ASPP
În perioada 18-21 aprilie a avut loc Adunarea Generală Cognosis, găzduită de către ASPR la Cluj-Napoca. În acest cadru, au fost prezenți reprezentanți ai celor 6 asociații studențești membre.
Punctele de pe ordinea de zi au cuprins: prezentarea rapoartelor de activitate a Biroului de Conducere în prima zi a adunării, iar în a doua zi au fost prezentate candidaturile pentru funcțiile vacante. Două dintre aceste funcții au fost ocupare de membrii ASPR, Patricia Poenaru (coordonator financiar) și Alexandra Făgăraș (Membru Reprezentant EFPSA).
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