atlcarnival atlanta atlantacarnival soca trinidad guyana jamaica fete stlucia virginislands antigua atlantacaribbean atlantadayparty atlantapartyrockers atlantareggae atlantasoca bacchanal breakfastpartytime caribbeanparty grenada ilovesoca onedropevents socafete socaislife stkitts sundaymorningatl atlantacarnival2019 carnival2019 trinidadcarnival axcesssundays
I know it’s .....#WCW but SUNDAY MORNING ATL is where all de hot women are.. I hope you bought your tickets‼️ . #sundaymorningatl
#atlanta #atlantadayparty #caribbeanparty #atlantacaribbean #atlantacarnival #atlantasoca #atlantareggae #soca #trinidad #jamaica #virginislands #guyana #stlucia #grenada #antigua #stkitts #fete #socafete #bacchanal #ilovesoca
It's that time again!! #dekalbcarnival are you ready #memorialdayweekend dont be caught without a beat!! Paparazzi on the loose!
BOOKING DETAILS WILL BE IN NEXT POST. Drop a whine if your interested #dekalbcounty #atlcarnival #playingmas #carnivalmakeup #mdw #maccarnival #maccosmetics #sephora #atl #atlantamakeupartist #booktoday #cutcrease #glitters #stones #summertime #glowing
Yesterday Kaniya got to participate in her very first parade. She had such a great time!!! Chip was on the sidelines with me watching all the troupes pass by. She definitely enjoys the parade too. Let's see if Kaniya will be interested from now on to keep being in the parades. @ebonyhill340 made sure she was good the whole way up. Fun in the Sun, I'm so proud of my kiddies, they getting to their Caribbean Roots, lol. #BennyDSaidIt #PurpleMohawk #ATL #VirginIslands #VirginIslanderLivingHisDream #VIAmbassador #MyLife #IHaveDaughters #ATLCarnival #MemorialWeekend #WFISH #StopItNoMan