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Years ago, especially when I was still at school, some of my friends would say that I was too serious. "Why are you so serious?"
It is true. Eventhough it's annoying to hear that comment, I am thankful that I have learned to be serious in life.
There is of course time to have fun and I am much more laid back now. However, those serious period has taught me to struggle and to work hard. It has shaped me to be who I am today ♥️
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As you travel around Sweden, you can’t help but notice that virtually every timber structure is painted deep red. Many outsiders mistakenly see this lack of individuality and expression as stifling social democractic conformity.
It is actually more a question of practicality combined with age-old tradition. In a climate as severe as Sweden’s, wood needs special protection from the elements: the red paint used for generations on structures across the country, produced in Falun, contains a natural copper preservative. Known as Falu rödfärg, this paint is Sweden’s aesthetically more pleasing answer to pebbledash.
#IndonesianAuPair #AgenAuPairIndonesia #AuPairNorway #AuPairDenmark #AuPairSweden #FaluRödfärg
I have been abroad for a little bit more than nine months. It's actually interesting how many things can change in such a short period of time. .
Before I came here, I was just an ordinary woman, wanting to chase her dream to travel and start living in a foreign country. Now, I am still an ordinary person, just with a whole different perspective.
I used to think that this world is all about black and white, right or wrong. But it turns out more like a colourful place or just simply yin and yang. Sometimes what looks bad might have a little bit of goodness inside.
I think it's actually beautiful though, that this world is filled with so many different people with different personalities. I keep being amazed by the diversity our world has, and it is beautiful.
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