autodetective автодетектив auto_detective детективныеуслуги услугидетектива детективнаяконтора детективноебюро конторадетектива послеугона онивозвращаются розыскавто вернутьавтомобиль детективноеагентство проверкаавто агентстводетектива найденныйавтомобиль частныйдетектив бюродетектива завестиавтомобиль перебитыйvin сборинформации территорияполиции тутработаетполиция услугиюриста частныйдетективмосква agentdetective detective detectiveactivity detectiveagency detectivebureau cопровождениегрузов
If you own a #Mazda cx-7 or #mps and it's felling underpowered or is using excessive fuel your injectors may be blocked. If you have blocked injectors on a turbocharged engine severe damage to your motor can be caused. Getting your car checked by a trained professional can prevent this from happening. #autodetective #ichoosesa #mps6 #mps3 #mzrturbo
The reason why this build was undertaken. The motor had too much metal taken out of the bottom of the block in 3 places and went through to the water jackets causing cracks to run up the cylinder walls. Coolant was leaking into the sump. Apologies for the poor video work I was working upside down! #autodetective #holden #outwiththeoldinwiththenew