detroitbecomehuman ax400 kara rk800 connor markus dbhkara rk200 hankanderson connorarmy android bryandechart rk900 deviant luther alice cosplay valoriecurry detroitbecomehumankara dbhconnor dbhmarkus jessewilliams karacosplay quanticdream detroitbecomehumancosplay karadbh dbhedit godeviant clancybrown dbhkara
Kashi: 'we have to take a picture like this!'
Sabaku: 'yes! :D'
Thanks to @the_don_esteban as Hank and @matmcfox as Markus for joining us in this stupidity.
beautiful kara @_sabaku_
Connor: me :3
Pic by amazing @onlygreencat
#detroitbecomehumancosplay #dbh #hankanderson #hank #hankcosplay #lieutenantanderson #markus #markuscosplay #androidjesus #RK200 #kara #AX400 #karacosplay #connor #RK800 #cosplay #android #detroitbecomehuman #quanticdream #playstation