ayatan warframe tenno digitalextremes lotus xbox captura plainsofeidolon game gamergirl videogame ayatansculpture warframepc freetoplay warframeps4 twitch twitchkittens warframecommunity coop endo livestreamer lunarlivetv stream streamer streaming streaminglive streamlife streams xenobladechronicles2
This Ayatan Orta Sculpture is very nice. Especially when it moves around like that. Im not sure how the weekly scuptures work if everyone sees the same thing but for me and @iikremeygaming it is this week. #warframe #warframeweekly #warframexbox #warframepc #sculptures #ayatan #warframeps4 #warframeplaystation #playstation4 #ps4 #art #craftsmen #gaming #videogames #instagram #instagaming #xbox #xbox1 #xboxone #xbox360 #xboxgamer #viralgaming
Finally finished the 1st main storyline a few weeks back! I cannot wait for Railjack and The New War!
#warframe #tenno #fortuna #eidolon #orokin #sentients #grineer #corpus #planets #steam #pc #frost #trinity #lotus #equinox #prime #tennocon #playwarframe #ninja #shinobi #space #f2p #kubrow #syandana #primeaccess #kunai #hikou #ayatan #maroo #loki