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If you love #baseball and helping your #community, it's time to step up to the plate. #Sponsoring the 2019 @BabeRuthLeague World Series is simple--call Art Evans at (334) 216-0502 or email him at for details!
. #baberuth #baberuthleague #baberuthworldseries #worldseries #baberuthbaseball #baberuthdemopolis #demopolisbaseball #baseballtournament #demopolissportsplex #sportsplex #demopolissports #demopolisal
Baseball was, is and always will be to me the best game in the world.⠀
#baberuth #BabeRuthWorldSeries #baberuthbaseball #Yankees #LuisSeverino #Baseball #MLB #AaronJudge #GiancarloStanton #CCSabathia #AroldisChapman #DidiGregorius #NYY #BabeRuth #DellinBetances #AllRise #DerekJeter #GleyberTorres #GarySanchez #MiguelAndujar #MVP #StartSpreadingTheNews #YankeesWin #YankeeStadium #Sports #Sctop10 #HomeRun #NewYork #LukeVoit #AaronBoone
#FlashbackFriday to last year's 14-Year-Old @BabeRuthLeague World Series! We're looking forward to more smiling faces this year, starting August 7 in Demopolis. Sounds like a home run!
.#baberuth #baberuthleague #baberuthworldseries #worldseries #baberuthbaseball #baberuthdemopolis #demopolisbaseball #baseballtournament #demopolissportsplex #sportsplex #demopolissports #demopolisal #baseball #14yearoldbaberuthworldseries
It's @baberuthleague--"By the Numbers"! As you can see, the league represents a longstanding tradition that continues to positively affect upwards of a million of young players across the country!
. #bythenumbers #baberuth #baberuthleague #baberuthworldseries #worldseries #baberuthbaseball #baberuthdemopolis #demopolisbaseball #baseballtournament #demopolissportsplex #sportsplex #demopolissports #demopolisal
Planning on visiting Demopolis for the @baberuthleague World Series? Situated at the convergence of two rivers, Demopolis has something for everyone—whether you’re an adventurer, sunbather, or Southern cuisine connoisseur. The ballpark isn’t the only place to play—enjoy water sports, fishing, hiking, hunting, and more!
. #watersports #waterski #waterskiiing #swimming #fishing #hiking #hunting #outdoors #greatoutdoors #alabama #sweethomealabama #baseball #playball #baberuth #baberuthleague #baberuthworldseries #baberuthleagueworldseries #worldseries #baberuthbaseball #baberuthdemopolis #demopolisbaseball #baseballtournament
Did you know? The Demopolis SportsPlex, home to the 2019 @baberuthleague Baseball 14-Year-Old World Series, is a 299-acre park featuring multiple adult and youth baseball/softball complexes and soccer fields. But that’s not all! The complex houses a public fishing pond, picnic pavilion and playground, half-mile walking trail and an 18-hole golf course with a pro shop, putting green and driving range!
. #didyouknow #dyk #sportsplex #demopolissportsplex #baberuth #baberuthleague #baberuthworldseries #worldseries #baberuthbaseball #baberuthdemopolis #demopolisbaseball #baseballtournament #demopolisal