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These bins are FULL of back issues! Thousands and thousands of books!! Feel free to send your want lists!! We’ll be happy to see what we have in stock! #marvel #marvelcomics #dc #dccomics #backissuecomics #comicwantlist #comicbookwantlist #comicsforsale #comics4sale #igcomics #igcomicbookfamily #comics #comicbooks #igcomicbookcommunity #comicbookfamily #comicbookcommunity #igcomicbooksforsale #igcomicbookcollectors #comicbookcollector #comicbookfan #comicbookstore #aandscomics
This Saturday join us for Free Comic Book Day! Fun for the entire family, special edition Star Wars comic for May the 4th be with you day. #freecomicbookday #fcbd #fcbd2019 #maythe4thbewithyou #starwars #avengersendgame #marvelcomics #dccomics #funkopop #littleshopofcomics #backissue #backissuecomics
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When you come across a short box of original Swamp Thing #1 overstock. Not Detective 27 level, but still cool. About another 50 copies to look through to see what’s going down to cgc! #swampthing #dc #dccomics #backissuecomics #igcomiccommunity #comicbookcommunity #igcomicbookfamily #comicbookfamily #comicbookstore #comicbooks #aandscomics
Tomorrow, Sunday, May the 5th, is Revenge Of The Fifth Day! Sales MUST happen! So, since today was so well received, we shall repeat! 15% OFF all Star Wars merchandise AND 15% OFF of all backstock comics! We are open from 11am to 6pm on Sundays. We hope to see YOY here!
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Batman #5 CGC 4.0 $2800 Canadian. Great eye appeal for the grade. Just added to the shop today. #comics #igcomicfamily #comicsforsale #comic #vintagecomics #bigbbarrie #canada #igcomicfam #keycomic #cgccomics #gradedcomics #cgc #cgcforsale #ibuycomics #buy #sell #backissuecomics #cgccomics #gradedcomics #cgcforsale #cgccomicsforsale #batman #goldenage #goldenagedc #goldenagecomics #dccomics
Batman #232 CGC 9.4 White pages. $1900 Canadian. Brand new to the shop today! #comics #igcomicfamily #comicsforsale #comic #vintagecomics #bigbbarrie #canada #igcomicfam #keycomic #cgccomics #gradedcomics #cgc #cgcforsale #ibuycomics #buy #sell #backissuecomics #cgccomics #gradedcomics #cgcforsale #cgccomicsforsale #batman #232 #nealadams #rasalghul #firstappearance
Incredible Hulk #181 0.5 incomplete. 10th page missing. Does not affect story. Would grade in the 3.5/4.0 range otherwise. Ground floor copy to plug that hole in your run!
All prices Canadian $$$. Shipping is $20 for one book. $30 for 2-4.
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#cgc #cbcs #cgcforsale #cgccomicsforsale #gradedcomics
Anybody need some Phoenix? Trio of #X-Men #101 is always a good start to the day.
All prices Canadian $$$. Shipping is $20 for one Comic. $30 for 2-4. Lots more cool stuff browseable in my eBay store under the same username.
#comics #igcomicfamily #igcomiclords #comicsforsale #comic #vintagecomics #bigbbarrie #canada #igcomicfam #keycomic #cgccomics #gradedcomics #cgc #cgcforsale #ibuycomics #buy #sell #backissuecomics #cgccomics #gradedcomics #cgcforsale #cgccomicsforsale #barrie #ontario