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Bacon loves maple syrup. Tim Burton of Burtons Maplewood Farm and Tanya and (brother) Nathan Nueske, celebrating a bacon/maple syrup collab at @baconfest #baconfestchi #baconandsyrup #nueskes #burtonsmaplewoodfarm #slowfood #foodcollab #baconandbourbon #maplesyrup #midwestlife #baconfam #foodislove #baconbaconbacon #slab #goodfood #foodfriends @burtonsmaplewoodfarm
Thank you to @auburnchamber and Auburn Bank for the Best of Small Business (51-100 employees) award! We are so grateful to our team who makes this dream possible! Thank you to Auburn for this honor and we look forward to continuing to serve our community for years to come! Join us tonight and tomorrow before we close for kitchen renovations on Saturday! #auburnhound #baconandbourbon #bestofsmallbusiness #auburnchamber