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You'll notice some familiar faces in this list of the world's top websites, but you might also be surprised to see some Chinese internet giants making the top 10 and even beating out social media titan, Twitter.
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PELURUSAN : Mungkin kamu pernah mendengar cara baca Huawei sebagai Wahwei maupun Xiaomi sebagai Showmi. Sayangnya kedua cara baca tersebut muncul akibat pengaruh aksen barat, dan keduanya salah dalam aturan baca bahasa Mandarin
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#China’s ‘Tesla-killer’ is preparing to go public in New York. Nio company said in a filing on Monday that it’s looking to raise as much as $1.8 billion in the #IPO. Nio is backed by Chinese conglomerate #Tencent and another giant tech company, #Baidu.
Nio started selling its first #vehicle, the #ES8 #SUV, in December. The vehicle comes with a price tag of $65,000, or about half the current price of the most basic version of #Tesla’s Model X SUV in China. The company is seeking to launch the more affordable ES6 sport-utility vehicle next year and bring out a #sedan called the ET7 in 2020.
Like Tesla, Nio is burning through money: it had a net loss of $502.6 million on less than $7 million in revenue in the first half of 2018, according to the filing. Nio’s move to sell shares in the US comes at a time when Tesla CEO Elon Musk has a plan to set up a gigantic #factory in Shanghai.