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Give a little extra appreciation for the divine feminine Women are beautiful, strong Creators and should never go unrecognized. Anytime time you remember, make sure and take a moment and give gratitude for your mother, daughter, grandmother, ascended feminine ancestors and so on... as they (and the masculine as well) gave us all the opportunity to experience this beautiful journey called LIFE! ❤️ .
.Via @divine.mind.tribe
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#DivineMindTribe #meditation #blessed #healing #ceremony #unconditionallove #spirituality #bliss #balance #truth #consciousness #DMT #heart #medicine #yoga #fearless #light #enlightened #unity #Angelic #TribeMind #OneLove #highvibration #frequency #ThirdEye #MotherEarth #conscious
Himalayas you look Amazing ⛰
I’ve not been on the top of the Everest but the feeling was just that i was on the top of World ♂️ •
#himalayas #himachal #himachalpradesh #nepal #spiti #hippieinhills #ladakh #everest #leh #himalayan #yoga #yogaeverydamnday #yogi #yogalove #yogainspiration #namaste #yogaeverywhere #yogagirl #yogachallenge #yogalife #igyoga #yogini #yogapractice #meditation #yogapose #yogaeveryday #instayoga #practiceandalliscoming #handstand #balance
ONE person who likes this pic will win my 8-WEEK HIIT GUIDE
Back to cooking in my own kitchen and it feeeeeeels so gooooood. ♀️
• sautéed scallops, seasoned with @freshjax fresh bay seasoning + seared in a pan sprayed with @chosenfoods avocado oil for 3-5 min on one side and then 1-2 min on the other
• sautéed zoodles + grape tomatoes, sautéed in the pan after the scallops
• roasted asparagus, sprayed with @chosenfoods, seasoned with @freshjax herbed de Provence, and roasted at 425 for 15-20 mi
It’s been a busy but productive day over here. How about you guys?
*Winner of the guide will be announced in this post tomorrow evening. Guide will be emailed via PDF file.
Hachja ich liiiebe diesen einen Dienstag im Monat, an dem im Kiga ein riesen Frühstücksbuffet mit frisch gebackenen Brötchen und Co. ansteht! :) ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Gestern gabs von mir nichts zu hören: Arbeit von 7-19 Uhr. und dank der Zeitumstellung dann einfach nur müde.
Ich hoffe ihr seid gut in den April gekommen? :) ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
#diet #diät #lowcalorie #iifym #highprotein #lowcarb #ernährung #nutrition #foodblog #foodblogger #transformation #abnehmen #abnahme #dietgoals #fitness #healthy #healthymeals #gesundeküche #lowfat #balance #balanceisthekey #ernährungsguide
The left pic is the start of my journey! Right pic was last Friday! I’m 10lb away from my lowest weight and I’ve beat myself up about it for the last 6 months BUT the last 2 weeks I’ve realised I look fine! Obviously I’m working my way back to my lowest BUT I’m doing it without pressurising myself and stressing about it! I want to get back to that weight in a healthy way rather than strict dieting for 6 weeks etc. I want to learn to control what I eat rather than being strict and then bingeing at a weekend because I’ve restricted myself all week. I want to find that perfect balance so that once I get to my ideal weight/shape I can maintain once and for all without being on a diet for the rest of my life feeling so motivated atm! -
#intuitiveeatong #losingweight #slimmingworld #fitness #macros #mfp #myfitnesspal #balance #weightlosstransformation #healthyeating #weightlossjourney #losingweight #cleaneating #diet #foodblogger #healthydiet #healthyliving #healthyeating #fooddiary #willpower #bodypositive #happyandhealthy #bodyconfidence #healthymind #foodie #lifestyleblog #selflove
How are you feeling? On a scale from purple to pink, what’s your mood today? I think I’m somewhere between and
When I started making serious efforts to calm my mind and be kinder to myself, I also made a promise to check in regularly. My bouts of depression and anxiety don’t come out of the blue, I just need to know where to look. I can follow the feelings back to some pretty obvious places. It usually strikes when I’ve been really busy. When I would try convince myself I’m “too busy” to put myself first. Things pile up and soon enough, because I’m so exhausted I have fallen into the trap of feeling terrible. I try to regularly track my mood to make sure I don’t get caught out by those brain bullies.
New week new goals ❤️!.
Reissusta pikkuhiljaa palauduttu ja nyt paluu kunnolla ihanaan arkeen ! . Vatsan kanssa pientä ongelmaa mut otetaan selvää missä vika.... .
Mun treeni viikko alkaa tänään jalka treenillä. .
Mites käytkö sinä salilla säännöllisesti, vai harrastatko jotain muuta, vai sekä että