bananamuffins muffins baking banana bananabread healthymuffins homemade healthyfood breakfast foodie foodporn glutenfree chocolate instafood muffin asmr baker bananachocolate bananamuffin breakfastmuffins cupcakes dairyfree delicious foodstagram grainfree healthycooking paleo sugarfree vegan yummy kidsinthekitchen
“First we eat, then we do everything else” — M.F.K Fisher
How I’m heading out this beautiful Monday morning!
Classic Banana Bread Muffin, is perfect for grabbing in the morning when you’re in a rush( like I am this morning),great midday snack( packed in yours and the kiddies lunch boxes) and for sharing with colleagues ( over a steaming cup of coffee while y’all brainstorm). Good morning Fam....☕️
Call/Dm to order a box of 6 or 12.
#bananabreadmuffins #bananamuffin #muffins #bananamuffins #mondaymorning #healthymuffin #breakfastonthego #ronelabakery #freshbaked #breakfastmuffin #nigerianfood #fuelyourhustle #3rddayofjune☁ #naijafood #bananabreadinlagos #muffinmonday #muffinsinlagos #healthysnacking #muchgraceinjune
Little one approves these 136 cal (21C/4F/4P) Oatmeal Raisin Pecan Banana Breakfast Muffins (that’s a mouthful ) I wanted to pack lots of nutritious ingredients into one filling muffin and I succeeded!
- 4 ripe bananas (480 g)
- 2 eggs
- 1/2 cup greek yogurt (I used 2%, 112 g)
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 cup wheat flour (I used white whole wheat, 120 g)
- 1 1/2 cup rolled oats (120 g)
- 2 tsp ground cinnamon
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 1 tsp baking soda
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 1/2 cup raisins (80 g)
- 1/2 cup pecan pieces (56 g)
Makes 16 muffins. Preheat oven to 350. Blend all wet ingredients in food processor. Mix together all dry and pour in the wet. Don’t overmix, just fold. Fold in raisins then transfer to the muffin tin. Sprinkle with pecans. Bake for 25 minutes. Enjoy! Tag me if you try these!! ❤️
How about Banana "NOT" Muffins for an allergy-free, school-safe snack that's even more delicious than the classic?
Banana Nut isn't the first flavor you'd think of for an allergy-free muffin, walnuts or pecans are typically used. BUT, that's where we can make the simple swap with...SUNFLOWER SEEDS!
These Gluten-Free Banana Sunflower Mini Muffins are:
Vegan ❤️
Top Allergen-Free
10(ish) Ingredients
Take 10 minutes to bake
Perfect for Breakfasts, Snacks, Lunchboxes, and Freezer Stashing!
School-Safe and Perfect for Summer Roadtrips!
These cute little bites are loaded with super ripe banana sweetness, roasted @gerbsallergyfriendlyfoods sunflower seeds, and @sunbutter sunflower seed butter!
Did you know sunflower seeds are...
1. High in Vitamin E – Great for anti-inflammatory properties and cardiovascular health
2. Great source of Magnesium – Great for nerves, muscles, blood cells, and digestion
3. Source of Selenium – Great for thyroid health
4. Contains antioxidants, cholesterol-lowering phytosterols, Vitamin B1, iron, phosphorous, and 4g of fiber per 1/4 cup!
5. Healthy source of plant-based protein, about 6g per 1/4 cup, and plant-based fats, about 19g per 1/4 cup.
6. (Bonus) Sunflower seeds are the FRUIT of the sunFLOWER! So these muffins are technically DOUBLE fruit!
Have some ripe bananas and 10 minutes on your hands today? ⏱
Click the link in my bio @rebeccagf666 for the full recipe on the blog!
#bananamuffins #minimuffins #sunflowerseeds #sunbutter #glutenfree #vegan #dairyfree #eggfree #soyfree #nutfree #top8free #allergyfree #celiac #foodallergies #feedfeed #thebakefeed #bakersofinstagram #glutenfreelife #foodallergymom #toddlersnacks #kidapproved #veganbaking #veganmuffins #glutenfreemuffins #glutenfreefood #glutenfreebaking #glutenfreeliving #celiacdisease #healthybaking #snackideas
Se ha convertido en la nueva receta estrella de mi casa Os podéis imaginar, haciendo muffins cada dos días por petición popular
Y es que, son FACILÍSIMOS de hacer y están increíbles Hoy para desayunar los he rellenado de crema de cacao y avellanas casera (avellanas, cacao puro y dátiles) y buuuufffff, mejor que lo probéis
Receta de los muffins: ✍
4 plátanos bien maduros
4 huevos
200g de harina de avena (también lo he probado con 100g de harina de almendra y 100 de avena )
10g de levadura química
Esencia de vainilla y canela a
1 pizca de sal
En un bol, bates bien los huevos con unas varillas, añades los plátanos chafados con un tenedor y el resto de ingredientes (así, a manta, sin tamizar ni nada ) Mezclas bien y rellenas los moldes (en mi caso, la masa da para 6 muffins grandes, los moldes son de silicona) Añades lo que quieras por dentro o fuera de la masa (o las dos). Yo suelo poner chocolate del 85% y semillas de calabaza (pero podéis poner arándanos, nueces, crema de frutos secos en el interior... ) A 180 grados durante 20-25 minutos en horno precalentado
Si tenéis niños es una opción brutal de desayuno, merienda... y os aseguro que serán la envidia del cole
¿Me contáis si los hacéis? ☺️
Feliz domingo ☀️
#comidasana #realfood #comidareal #salud #realfooding #futuranutri #vidasana #vidasanayactiva #saludable #nutricion #recetasaludable #muffinsaludable #magdalenassaludables #muffindeplatano #platano #bananamuffins #alimentacion #postresaludable
İlk önce onu deyim pehrizde olan izleyicilerim meni bağışlayın Eger ferqli dadda kek axtarırsızsa ela reseptdir. Banan sevenler mütleq sınasın. Bananlı keki hazırlayanlar ve ya sevenler burdasız
Bananlı Muffins
3 eded yetişmiş banan
3/4 st şeker tozu (150qr)
1 yumurta
80 qr eridilmiş kere yağı ( isti-isti tökmek olmaz, soyudun)
1,5 st un
Qabartma tozu
1 paçka südlü şokolad (90qr alpen gold)
Bananları dilim edib, kartof ezenle ve ya çengelle püre halına getiririk. Ardınca yumurta+ şeker tozu+ kere yağı elave edib mikserle 5 deq çalırıq. Ardınca elenmiş un+ qabartma + vanil elave olunub mikserin en aşağı xodunda çalırıq. En son kubik formada doğranılmış şokaladı elave edib qaşıqla qarışdırırıq. Men bir az hissesini ayırıb üzerine sepdim bişende gözel görünsün. Evvelceden qızdırılmış sobada 25-30 deq bişiririk. Sobalar ferqli olur kontrol edin. Birde bişenedek soban ağzını açmayın.
#Repost @thefeedfeed.vegan
What’s for breakfast? @foodwithfeeling’s Chocolate Chip Banana Muffins!
To find the #recipe, (& all of the #Vegan#recipes featured on this account) click the link in profile
Featured on the Muffins Feed on our Website |
⭐Keep tagging "#feedfeed @thefeedfeed" and REGISTER on for a chance to be featured here and on our site!
#plantpowered #vegansofig #veganfoodshare#whatveganseat #veganfood #crueltyfree#eatclean #cleaneating #healthyfood#dairyfree #veganfoodporn #veganism #muffins #veganbreakfast #chocolatechip #bananamuffins #breakfastbaking #breakfastinspo #veganinspo #breakfastinspo #fitslimlifefood #fitslimlife
For a healthy snack or breakfast on the go, these vegan muffins are just the thing. Made without eggs or dairy, they still have a tender crumb, moist texture and almost caramel-like flavour from the bananas
They are super easy to make, and a great recipe for kids to get involved over Easter
Hope you have a great week ahead
DB x
▪️1 3/4 cups flour
▪️1/2 cups oats @quakeroatsuk ▪️1 teaspoon baking soda
▪️⅛ teaspoon salt
▪️½ cup coconut oil, melted @thegroovyfoodcompany ▪️1/2 cup coconut sugar
▪️2 Tablespoons milled flax seed @yumandyay_ ▪️2 very ripe bananas mashed
▪️1 teaspoon vanilla extract
▪️1 cup walnuts
Optional: topped with slices of banana and a drizzle of dark chocolate
▪️Preheat the oven to 325 degrees. Great/line a muffin tin
▪️Mix dry ingredients together
▪️Mix wet ingredients together
▪️Combine and stir well
▪️Top with slices of banana
▪️Bake at 325 degrees for 20-23 minutes.
▪️Once cool, drizzle with dark chocolate.
#bananamuffins #bananabread #muffins #chocolatemuffin #healthybaking #veganmuffins #glutenfreebaking #thenewhealthy #vegansweets #milkfree #vegandesserts #veganrecipe #noeggs #eggfree #nodairy #vegantreats #homecookedfood #simplefood #foodforkids #recipeshare #healthierchoices #foodideas #eatgoodfood #eatingwell #eatgoodfeelgood #foods4thought #vegetarianrecipes #mygroovylife #letscookvegan #eatbetternotless
Son esponjosos, jugosos y deliciosos... y ¡facilísimos! Desliza la foto para no perderte la jugosidad y esponjosidad de su interior ¡Toma nota!
➖ 3 plátanos muy maduros (very ripe bananas)
➖ 120g de azúcar Moreno (Brown sugar)
➖ 2 huevos L (eggs)
➖ 100 ml aceite oliva suave (soft olive oil)
➖ 80 ml de leche de avena (oat milk)
➖ 1 cdta de esencia de vainilla (vanilla extract)
➖ 160g harina de trigo integral (whole wheat flour)
➖ 1 cdta polvo de hornear (baking powder)
➖ Pizca de sal (pinch of salt)
➖ 50g nueces (walnuts)
➖ 50g chips de chocolate (Chocolate chips)
➖ Nueces (walnuts)
➖ Chips de chocolate (chocolate chips)
➖ Azúcar Moreno (Brown sugar)
Tenéis el paso a paso de la elaboración de la receta en las Stories destacadas. Si no lo encuentras, dímelo y te envío el enlace directo. Guárdate esta foto para no perderte la receta.
Si tienes alguna duda, déjamelo escrito en comentarios. Si te puedo echar una mano, lo haré encantada ☺️
¡Espero que os guste! Si es así, dale al . Si no me sigues, te invito a hacerlo para no perderte recetas tan deliciosas como esta. Y si te ha gustado y la compartes, te lo agradezco enormemente
#bananamuffins #bananamuffin #muffins #muffin #magdalenas #bananabread #bananacake #platano #cambur #nueces #walnuts #chocolate #dulces_aprietos #madalenas #postrescaseros #recetasdulces #pasteleriacasera #dulcescaseros #reposteriacasera #recetasdepostres #dessertrecipe #foodvideo #instadesserts #instapostre #chipsdechocolate #horneando #frutossecos #magdalenascaseras