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※ 【NHBAPE® POD S-3.1】
【BAPE®︎ NBHD SHARK INCENSE CHANBER】につきましては, 発売日未定となっております。
いかなる理由でも抽選対象外となりますのでご注意ください。(その他の店舗に関しては, 各店舗までお問い合わせください。)
*早朝, 深夜からのお並びは近隣店舗, 住民の皆様への迷惑となりますのでご遠慮下さい。
*近隣住民や他のお店や他のお客様にご迷惑のかかる行為はおやめ下さい。割り込み行為等, トラブルが発生した場合には急遽販売を中止させて頂く場合がございます。
また, 弊社スタッフの指示に応じて頂けないお客様には抽選券の配布, 商品の販売は致しかねます。
*店舗内外に関わらず, 金品の受け渡し, キャッチ行為が見受けられた際には販売をお断りさせて頂きます。
*A lottery will be held to determine the order of customers' entering the store at 8:30 a.m. on the launch date of the store: BAPEXCLUSIVE™ Aoyama.
Customers who arrive after the selection time will not be allowed, for any reason, to enter the selection. Note: For other stores, please ask directly at the store.
*Only limited numbers are available, so you may be unable to purchase the product even after queuing. *In the case of queues, lotteries will be held to decide the order in which people can enter the store. (This is not a guarantee of the right to purchase.)
*Do not queue during the night or early in the morning, since this causes inconvenience to neighboring stores and residents.
*Any behavior causing inconvenience to local residents, other stores, or other customers, or attempts to jump the queue, may lead to sale of the product being discontinued immediately. Customers who fail to follow directions given by our staff will not receive tickets for the lottery or be allowed to purchase the product.
*Sales will be refused to anyone caught offering money or goods to other customers, or trying to sell or otherwise promote their own products, etc. to other customers inside or outside the store.
*Buyers must pay with their own money.
*Payments on behalf of groups will not be accepted.
Ain’t no up next, bitch I’m the one #bapenbhd
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