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I'm SO happy to be home now. And even though it honestly hurts physically to laugh at the moment. Life can just be funny sometimes. Thanks to my Mom & Sister for having this #Unicorn #IceCreamCake by @baskinrobbins made out of #DaquiriIce! My absolute FAVE from their #31Flavors! Because: "Shit Happens In Connecticut!" Bahahahahahaha! THANK YOU TO EVERYONE who has left a comment, sent me snoke signals, or for any other form of love sent my way. You've all really made this past week easier for me. #UnicornCake #RainbowCake #CakeMakesEverythingBetter #IceCreamMakesEverythingBetter #UnicornRainbow #BaskinRobbins #RainbowsAndUnicorns #UnicornHorn #BaskinRobbinsCake #ShitHappens #ThirdCoastGems # #
Alhamdulillah ☺️, Thank You Love Arianna ❤️. Make it a big surprise to me ! #YANA •
#loveyouariana #birthdaygifts #birthdaylove #chocolatebouquet #bigsurprise #baskinrobbins #baskinrobbinscake #baskinrobbinsmalaysia #brmalaysia #politeknikkoklanas #koklanasmari #lazadamalaysia #happybirthday #selamatharijadi